
April 14, 2012

Time // 4:35 p.m.
Place // at home in the recliner.
Eating // trail mix.
Drinking // water.
Watching // nothing.
Reading // Divergent by Veronica Roth.
Wanting // to pay off our cars and free up some cash flow.
Thinking // about Meredith’s upcoming first birthday party.
Creating // a mini book of birth encouragement for a friend.
Hoping // we all get over our colds soon.
Needing // to get caught up on Project Life.
Anticipating // getting started on refinishing some furniture with my dad.


I love Saturdays. And Saturdays with coffee are amazing. I’ve been going going going since 6:30 a.m. – done all the laundry, attacked my toilet with a pumice stone (whoa), did dishes, swept the floors, went for a run, showered & shaved, painted my toenails, saw a movie (Blue Like Jazz) with a friend, ordered some pictures, paid bills, picked up our pool tags, read some blogs, and now we’re getting ready to go to dinner with David’s family. The best part is that I don’t have to go to work tomorrow, so with all the chores done I can really relax or get some extra work done!

Lately I’m so torn with wanting to buy stuff for our house to make it pretty and wanting to save every extra penny to pay off debt. But I realized that there is a way to make a house look pretty on a tight budget, and I’ll just have to put a little extra work into it. My dad is going to teach me to refinish furniture which will open up a whole new world of options for me. I have my eye on some cheap but cute accessories from IKEA. And deep cleaning makes a huge difference too.

I’m ready to get started. :)

Posted in: personal, currently, personal

Comments on Currently

  1. 1

    From Johanna @ These Prices:

    Wow! Your Saturday was productive. I’m impressed.

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