Good Things: March 2012

April 2, 2012

At the end of each day I write down at least one GOOD thing that happened, then I share them all here monthly.


1 – An easy work day

2 – A favorite patient finishing chemo & giving me a gift card; our A/C getting fixed for only $80

3 – Walking the Stride for Stroke 5k with work friends; Pappasito’s for dinner and seeing Meredith eat lemons

4 – Dinner with my parents at 59 Diner

5 – The adorable artwork Meredith made at daycare, and how she went to bed so easily before 7

6 – Meredith’s reaction when she saw me at daycare and when David came home, and how she laughed at the dogs

7 – Playing on the couch with David and Meredith after work

8 – Meredith being so happy & fun in the evening

9 – Hanging out with my parents after work; quality time with David at home

10 – Seeing my friend Emily & her son Elijah

11 – Scott’s birthday dinner where there was delicious food and I spent a long time playing with Meredith on the floor while the family chatted

12 – Meredith wanting to play WITH me; scrapbooking & reading time

13 – A surprisingly easy work day; the drive over & back from David’s parents’ house chatting & laughing together

14 – Handling a busy work day well; how easy Meredith’s bedtime routine has become

15 – Family time with all three of us on the floor in the play room

16 – A patient telling me I did better on his IV than the “expert”

17 – Touring Bayou Bend; Meredith laughing over and over (more than ever!) dropping her toy, especially when I caught it –  it was a game!

18 – Buying a new computer

19 – Getting through the day intact

20 – Free burgers for lunch with delicious buns

21 – Home to take care of a feverish baby; she slept in my lap all day forcing me to relax

22 – New shoes, belts, & headbands

23 – Feeling so rested and having lots of energy for work

24 – Getting everything done that I wanted to, plus brunch with Lauren & going running

25 – A shorter haircut & visiting Emily; meeting a neighbor

26 – Meredith being so happy to see me – hugs, cuddles, laughs, joy. Making a good dinner that David loved; crafting while he read in the same room.

27 – Sitting outside with Meredith and reading while she played with the grass

28 – First church life group game night

29 – Dinner at my in-laws’ house, Meredith waving to me for the first time

30 – M crawling a bit; seeing my friends Karlene & Krisann and learning about essential oils

31 – Craft club, David’s sweet text, getting a 3DS from the lovely Nintendo folks!

Posted in: personal

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