project life 2012 : weeks 20 – 24 (& what’s been up with us)

July 25, 2012

Hey there. I have so many things to write about and share here, but let’s get caught up first, shall we?

A lot of different small-ish factors converged at once to bring me to the point where I had to take a break from blogging until things calmed down. The tipping point came when we had to cancel our cable and Internet temporarily, but we are back up and running again and life has generally resumed its former normality.

In the meantime I’ve mostly been keeping up with Project Life, so I thought a good way to recap what’s been going on with us would be to share my spreads.

Here we go.

Week 20 (June 10 – 16)

This week:

>David went on a fishing trip with his dad and brothers, then later that night we gathered to eat what they caught.

>I made my first from-scratch pizza (and ate it instead of the fish because ew).

>Meredith slept better than the previous hellish week, but still had a few rough moments due to teething.

>We went to the wedding of an old church friend and saw a lot of our favorite people we used to see every week when our church was still functioning. My brother and his wife babysat for the first time and Meredith did great with them.

Week 21 (June 17 – 23):

This week:

>For Father’s Day I let David sleep in and we had brunch with his family. A little later we went to see the play my brother directed (Godspell Jr.) followed by dinner with my family and dessert with David’s.

>Meredith turned eleven months old (the blank spot in the bottom right corner is where I’ll eventually place her monthly update once I get around to writing it).

>David’s Aunt Lorraine came to visit from Pennsylvania so we spent a lot of time with his family.

>We went on a one-day road trip to Austin – documented with an insert.

Week 22 (June 24 – 30):

 This week:

>I had book club where we discussed Nicholas and Alexandra.

>Had to lower the crib all the way to the ground.

>We closed on the refinance of our house – always a stressful time (this is our second one).

>I was in charge for two days at work (not my thing).

>Saw my nutritionist and got the ‘OK’ to quit taking the myriad of supplements I’ve been on since before I was pregnant.

>Had a girls’ night with a couple of coworkers. It was the longest I’d been away from Meredith and the first time I’d been to the movies in six months (we saw Rock of Ages).

>Meredith got her hair cut.

Weeks 23 & 24 (July 1 – 14):

This spread is two weeks combined. The first week:

>I made and sent Meredith’s birthday party invitations with the help of my mom and my friend Lauren.

>M. & I went to the neighborhood pool.

>I completely reorganized the nursery to make it more toddler-friendly.

>For the 4th of July David had to work, so Meredith and I walked in our neighborhood’s parade, then spent the afternoon hanging out with my parents and had dinner with David’s family.

The next week is what I’m referring to as “The Lost Week.” We didn’t have cable or internet, we were under severe financial stress, work was busier than ever and I was coming home late every night, it stormed constantly, David and I hardly saw each other and when we did we were arguing.

Thankfully the weekend brought a respite from work and bad weather, and we were able to spend some much-needed quality time. We got back on our feet financially and talked through some things, and now happily all of these issues are in the past.

That brings us closer to the present, although I’m still a week behind. Meredith’s birthday party was last weekend so I’m kind of in recovery mode. But!

Right now…

We’re getting our groove back. I’m carving out time for blogging again and dreaming up projects. I want to finally start working on our house (the bedroom! the office!), set a budget and stick to it, and figure out how to be more active. I’m eating a lot of chocolate. Still reading, all the time reading. Dipping our toes into the water of a new church. Loving my one-year-old, soon-to-be toddler, and growing my marriage.

Glad to be back.

Posted in: crafty, documenting, project life

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