list 2 : looking forward

January 7, 2013

First thing: Happy birthday to my husband David. He’s the best and I love him. <3


Welcome back to the Book of Lists! Today’s topic is “looking forward.”


As you can see I kept the same format as last month. I still love the way it looks and how easy it is to put together. I decided to keep it simple and just talk about the things I’m looking forward to right this moment.


starting on a quilt

next date night

Lauren moving to Katy (2 days!)

Rereading LOTR

Holding conversations with Meredith

giving her a sibling


I got this shot from my Instax on the first try! So happy that it was easy this time around. A quilt is my big project for this year so I think about it a lot (still in the planning stages obviously). David and I had a date night over the weekend and it was so fun – we went out to eat and saw The Hobbit. So now of course I want to reread Lord of the Rings.

Next month: We’ll be posting on February 4 and the topic is “perfect day” in honor of my birthday which is on the 5th. So you can list the components of your ideal perfect day, or one that you actually had. As always, it’s up to you!


Confused by Book of Lists? Read this post! See all of my lists here.

Posted in: documenting, book of lists, crafty

Comments on list 2 : looking forward

  1. 1

    From lauren w:

    hi! yay moving to Katy is on my list too!

  2. 2

    From lauren w:

    more specifically living closer to YOU is on the list!

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    From Nora:

    I love the idea for next month’s list and of course, thanks for hosting and inspiring! Can’t wait to see more about the quilt as it goes. i’m in awe of people who can quilt!

  4. 4

    From TFrances @ Ms. Buff's Blog:

    Here’s my list for this month. I went with the literal…

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    From Jen @ At Random:

    Starting a new quilt…now there’s a daunting task (for me at least)!!

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    From kapachino:

    Oh it’s daunting all right! Hence why I’m giving myself all year to do it. :)

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    From Jayme:

    FINALLY got my List 2 posted today! Things have been a bit crazy around here.

    And I realized something awesome…. We have the same birthday!!!

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    From kapachino:

    Haha, getting married is a good enough excuse for anything. :)

    Yay birthday buddies!

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