
February 25, 2013

kitchen floor

Time // 2pm

Place // on break at work

Eating // Fiber One bar for a snack

Drinking // ice water

Watching // David and I actually watched a movie over the weekend, Tower Heist. It was funny and exciting and had a happy ending, so basically perfect for me.

Reading // Just started Katherine by Anya Seton. My aunt gave it to me for my birthday and I’m totally in the mood for a historical fiction so it jumped to the top of my list.

Wanting // the IKEA PS cabinet in white, but no telling when it’ll become available. It would be perfect to store office and craft supplies in a toddler-proof way.

Thinking // about how to be a better wife, better mother, better nurse, better person. Not that I’m not good enough already because I am happy with myself, but I don’t want to get lazy. Lately I’ve let the stresses of life get to me and I want to go back to being the person I know I am.

Creating // a cross stitch for the entryway of our house. It’s almost finished and I even have a frame for it, so hopefully I’ll be able to share soon!

Hoping // the audiobook for book club becomes available soon. I finally caved and agreed to read The Fault in our Stars by John Green even though it’s about kids with cancer. I’m hoping that listening to it will be easier somehow.

Needing // to keep my priorities in order. I constantly have to remind myself that as for the day to day stuff of life and the relationships with my family – I’m good at that. And it’s okay to fall behind on creative endeavors and hobbies sometimes.

Anticipating // a week-long vacation from work that I requested for April. I have nothing specific planned, but I’m going to take Meredith in to daycare late, pick her up early, and use the time in between to craft, work on the house, and go thrifting – basically all the things I never have time for. After this I’ll continue my practice of taking a day off each month to do as I please, and hopefully this will keep my appetite for creativity sated. :)

Posted in: personal, currently, personal

Comments on currently

  1. 1

    From Melanie:

    Your week off work sounds lovely–good job scheduling days to refresh yourself! (I am not very good at that…)

  2. 2

    From Kim:

    I hope you like The Fault in Our Stars. It’s really not a book I normally would have picked up, but I loved it in so many ways. I don’t have personal experience with cancer. I’m not sure if/how that would change my opinion of it.

  3. 3

    From kapachino:

    I hope I like it too! As someone who works with cancer patients every day and frequently loses beloved people to the disease, I try to avoid it outside of work because it hits close to home. But maybe it’ll give me special insight and make the story more special.

  4. 4

    From Tamsin:

    I have that cabinet!!! But in red. It’s great. Except… I keep losing the key. Did you know they also make a half-version?

  5. 5

    From kapachino:

    Cool! I saw the half version but didn’t check it out because I want the full, but I might have to settle. Maybe two halves?

  6. 6

    From Nora:

    I love the idea of having one day a month to yourself; it is so necessary! A week off in April sounds divine, too. It is that time of year where I get anxious to have some more time off. It’s only two months into the new year and I’m exhausted already.

  7. 7

    From Becca:

    I want to come hang out with you during your week. Coincidentally, those are all of my favorite activities, too!

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