project life 2013 : weeks 7 – 8

March 15, 2013

I have another Project Life spread for you today. This is from February 11 to 24 and it’s a little different than the normal.


These were hard weeks. I didn’t take many photos and little things happened but the focus here was our trip to South Carolina for my uncle’s memorial service.


However the week before that was Valentine’s Day, so I did want to feature that a little bit. I made up this random journaling card which I like but I think the hand stitching was kind of a waste of time. I like the way it looks but it would’ve been fine without it too. I can’t wait to relearn how to work my sewing machine so I can start stitching on paper; it’s so much faster that way. I’m excited because my brother’s girlfriend is coming over soon (she does theater costuming for a living and is a sewing whiz) and she’s going to help me figure out the tension problems I’m having with it. :)


Since there were lots of other little things that happened that weren’t really a focus, I included them all together on a large card.


This is one of the Valentine’s Day cards I made for Meredith to take to her classmates, and a recap of some work I did on setting up the writing desk and bookshelves.


Now the right side is all about our trip even though it was only a few days long. That’s okay.


I wrote a little recap using the same journaling card twice, just flipped upside down. I love how it bookends the story.


And here I just wanted to show how I stuck on the Southwest Air “wings” that Meredith was given and wore all day for her first flight. I was so proud of how well she did!


I actually intend to include an insert with the text from this blog post because it contains a lot of the thoughts and feelings from that time, but my printer is currently acting up and I don’t have the time or patience to fix it so that will come later.

Happier spreads to come. Enjoy your Friday and the weekend ahead! :)

Posted in: crafty, documenting, project life

Comments on project life 2013 : weeks 7 – 8

  1. 1

    From Melanie:

    Wow–your hand-stitching looks amazing! I love the way stitching looks on paper, but I have never taken the time to try it.

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