project life 2013 : weeks 11 – 12

April 12, 2013

Another Project Life update! I was pretty behind on it, and one of my primary goals on vacation was to catch up. It took me about an hour and a half the other day just to choose, edit, upload, and order photos. Whew. I want to at least stay on top of that part each week so that I’ll have them ready to go when I get some time to put the spread together.


This is the weeks of March 11-24. I took a decent amount of photos so for the journal and extras I kept it pretty neutral. Although the spread encompasses two weeks, the photos are not in chronological order so I included dates on most of them.


Week 11

It was a pretty normal week at home. We had a family shopping outing, had dinner with my brother-in-law & his family, and I went to two baby showers. I started developing pinkeye. The QR code links to a video of Meredith kicking the soccer ball.


Week 12

This was a really blah week. My pinkeye blossomed, Meredith got an ear infection, and we all just had very low energy. There were two high points – a fantastic evening at home, and the birth of my niece Karley.


I loved Meredith’s old backpack so much, but it was getting pretty raggedy. She loves her new one too, but I wanted to document the old one.


First time to put M’s hair in pigtails, and a few random things that happened.


Documenting the blah along with the good. :)


Lovely evening.


Hello Karley!


Meredith is so cute with her obsession over family photo books. Maybe she will be a scrapbooker one day. :)

I’m finishing up the next two weeks’ worth of spreads today, and I’ll try to share them both next week. I’ll be caught up at least for one week!

Posted in: crafty, documenting, project life

Comments on project life 2013 : weeks 11 – 12

  1. 1

    From Sarah:

    It’s looking great as always! I’m doing fairly well staying caught up (I finished March this week) but I decided I’ll just blog the highlights every month or so. So much of what I put in the scrapbook and what I blog is similar, it felt like I was repeating myself.

  2. 2

    From kapachino:

    Thank you! I probably am repeating myself too, but it’s still fun for me to blog about so I don’t really care. :)

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