project life 2013 : weeks 22 – 26 (june)

July 15, 2013

For awhile there the last thing I wanted to do was work on this project. I barely took pictures or notes, which is why this single spread encompasses five weeks; the end of May and all of June. I’m totally fine with that and just happy to get anything down. I put this together in two sessions: one to get the basic layout and papers in place, and two to add journaling and finish up.

pl spread

So this is from May 27 to June 30. Not a lot happened other than finding out I’m pregnant and getting through the days. Other than one picture of a picnic with a friend, these are all updates about Meredith and journaling.

pl left

When I first got this positive test my husband even made the comment, “I’m sure this will be documented to death.” Funny that this picture is the only one I took. That’s just how tired I’ve been.

pl preg

I love this picture of Meredith with an armful of stuff. Lately she won’t go anywhere without it all.

pl mer

pl right

And another one of my favorite pictures of her. It really captures her happiness (and love of dirt). Like I wrote, she reminds me every day why pregnancy is worth it. :)

pl dirt

So I am sort of “caught up” with this now, but I don’t think I will be able to go back to 2-week spreads just yet. We are dealing with a lot of toddler issues and transitions with Meredith that I want to get straightened out and it is taking all my time and energy! I am going to try to keep up a monthly spread for now until I get back into my groove. We’ll see how it goes. :)

Posted in: crafty, documenting, project life

Comments on project life 2013 : weeks 22 – 26 (june)

  1. 1

    From Melanie:

    Cute pics and stories about Meredith! Great job documenting those weeks and moving ahead. Hope you are feeling a little better!

  2. 2

    From Sarah:

    Good for you for just sticking some pictures in the book and moving forward. I think that’s really what Project Life is all about, right?

  3. 3

    From Nora:

    Good luck with the toddler stuff with Meredith! Love the spread. So adorable that M carries stuff everywhere. We have that at ages 4 and 6 (still) so I finally picked up some little totes and small purses for them (passed down from my grandma) for them to use so that at least their arms are free.

  4. 4

    From Johanna @ These Prices:

    Whoa! I missed your news! This is exciting. Congrats!

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