24 weeks

October 11, 2013

24 weeks

Symptoms: Really just normal aches and pains as things adjust in there. I’m sure my backaches are made worse by a certain 30-pound toddler demanding to be held and carried too. Heartburn comes and goes, I get full fast and tired more easily, but overall I’m doing well. Still no carpal tunnel signs!

Medical stuff: Our anatomy scan was perfect which was a huge relief. I’ve gained about 15 pounds so far which is fine I guess. My doctor gave me a hard time about not taking my iron pills so I guess I’ll try to be good. My 1-hour glucose tolerance test is coming up this week and she told me that I’ll probably fail it (like I did with Meredith) because I have PCOS. How fun!

Movement: It’s much  more pronounced now. Not constant, but daily. Loving that.

Clothes: I wear almost exclusively maternity clothes now except for some stretchy skirts. For work I broke out my larger scrub pants that I wore during my last pregnancy and postpartum, and even though I could squeeze into my regular tops it’s just not comfortable so I wear maternity t-shirts and scrub jackets.

Preparation: Got our new carpet and I’m working on our bedroom! Okay so it’s not specifically new baby preparation but it’s something on my list that I want to get done beforehand. Otherwise we haven’t done much other than throw a few names around that we both kind of like. Still completely not sold on them though and I had a dream that the baby was born nameless so that might happen. With the holidays coming up and lots of other unrelated things on my to-do list this whole baby thing is going to take me by surprise if I’m not careful. I’ll have to do a “before baby” post because the more I think about it the more there probably is on it.

Also: It’s funny how much I’m not focused on the pregnancy this time around. I’m just way too busy with Meredith and work. I guess I can attribute some of my mania where the house is concerned to pregnancy because it gives me a deadline, but overall it’s just kind of there in the background. I still can hardly imagine having a second kid in the house and a male version at that. Pretty excited though. :)

Posted in: motherhood, motherhood, pregnancy

Comments on 24 weeks

  1. 1

    From Kate @ GreatestEscapist.com:

    You look great! Glad things are progressing so well. <3

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