quick takes

October 18, 2013

Linking up!


The internet is a pretty cool place sometimes. Someone who had just bought the midnight edition of Project Life emailed me about doing a trade for some of the seafoam cards that I have, and I just got her package in the mail yesterday. So now I don’t have to buy the whole midnight edition and I can work those cards into my spreads! Pretty excited.


This week I had to place an order for a book I want to give to a friend (and none of my local bookstores had it) so I thought it only made sense to order one more thing to get the free shipping…right? So this was a total impulse buy:

liberty cross stitch
but it’s one I don’t regret in the least. As much as I am interested in all types of crafts, I think needlework and specifically cross stitch is going to remain my favorite and probably what I focus on. I want to do my part to keep the modern stitching trend alive and pass it down to the next generation. :)


Last night David and I had an appointment to go to right after work so we arranged for his mom to pick Meredith up from daycare. We didn’t make it to get her and bring her home until around 7:45pm and I thought she might be fussy and needy for us but instead she was mad that we were there. All she wanted was for Mimi to hold her and read her books and when we had to leave she cried huge tears and was calling out Mimi’s name for half the car ride home until she exhausted herself. So basically I’m worrying less and less about leaving her the weekend of our anniversary trip in November because it seems she’ll be just fine.


So this baby in my belly: I have no idea what to name him. I know I have a few months to go but it’s still worrying me because I haven’t come across a single name that really calls to me. There are a couple of common, traditional names that I like but when I think of using them on our baby they don’t sit right. And there are some less common names that I like but I can’t really picture using them. I just don’t know.


Sadly we are about out of hand-me-downs for Meredith and she has exactly one pair of pants that fit her. The rest are all shorts or capri-length leggings, and as we are finally getting some cooler temperatures I should probably outfit her a bit more appropriately. Similarly, she only has one pair of shoes that fit and they are sandals. So this weekend we’re going to hit a couple of consignment stores and I’m actually pretty excited about it because I hardly ever shop for Meredith because I’m cheap frugal but it’s so much fun.


Also this weekend I want to go thrifting specifically to look for a bedroom dresser, organize the buffet cabinets, attempt a fall garland, do a Project Life spread, and switch out the electrical outlets in our bedroom. I also have book club and a jewelry-selling party to go to so I hope I wake up with a lot of energy and a well-behaved child.

Posted in: personal

Comments on quick takes

  1. 1

    From Nora:

    What size is M? Let me know? We still have some toddler clothes from when my bonus kidlets were little so I can see if any of them would be things that would fit her/ you would like! Happy to send you photos and if you like them, I can send them your way :)

  2. 2

    From Sarah:

    Whew — that’s a lot of things on tap for the weekend! If you want to continue your frugal ways when it comes to Meredith’s clothes, you should try asking for hand me downs on Facebook — I did that for my son and got 3 kid’s worth of stuff that their mothers were thrilled to get out of their houses! Oh, speaking of names, have you played around on the social security website at all? There’s a feature where you can look at most common sibling name pairs — ie, what did people with a daughter named Meredith name their sons?

  3. 3

    From Lauren W:

    Girl you know I will buy Meredith things. You just let me know.
    Also yay for midnight kit!
    Also for real let’s have a Project Life work day. Meredith can go with Mimi :P

  4. 4

    From Cait:

    I really want to get back into cross stitch. My aunt used to do it all the time and my dad (her brother) picked it up from her. I did a few pieces as a teenager as gifts but haven’t done much since then.

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