quick takes

December 6, 2013

1. Meredith has suddenly developed a stutter. It is very pronounced and not particularly cute. We are calm about it and know that it’s probably just developmental. I tell her to think about what she’s trying to say and rarely finish her words for her. We’ll see how it goes.

2. She is not potty training yet, but there are signs of readiness coming. I don’t think I’m going to attempt anything for awhile though, except get her some underwear for her stocking. Also, for now I’ve switched her over to disposable diapers. I love cloth and I’m going to cloth diaper the next baby, but this is a relief for now. Meredith kept getting a rash, and I realized that her diapers probably have detergent buildup and need to be stripped. I don’t have time or energy for that right now. The velcro is also really worn out and fixing it involves seam ripping and sewing and I don’t have time or energy for that right now either. I have to say that I’m not complaining about the lack of laundry during the week. And she fits into so many more pants now!

3. We were given a classic chocolate Advent calendar for Meredith, so every night I tell her that she can have her special chocolate and try to explain how we’re counting down toward Christmas. It’s fun, except so far she has thrown a fit every night when she is only allowed one piece. So, not sure if this is worth it.

4. Then there’s this.

Those are some Craisins she was eating. I blame my husband.

5. We might have a name for baby brother. I don’t know for sure yet though. David is set on it but we have changed our minds a bunch of times already so I’m not prepared to say that we’ve decided. I’m also wavering between two middle name options. Other pregnancy updates include: heartburn like whoa, nausea again, being kicked like crazy. But seriously with the heartburn: I’m over it. This kid better have a head full of luscious hair.

6. Stocking update!

stocking progress

I can’t wait to finish this. I’ll be so proud. It’s so close! Just a couple more boxes to add, some detail at the top, and then putting it together.

7. Weekend plans: do chores, hang out with my family, finish decorating for Christmas, go to Ikea for the extra curtain rod & hardware we need, do at least one spread of Project Life (preferably two), maybe some gift shopping, Messiah singalong with Mom, work on the stocking. Fun!

8. Last thing: just a heads-up that in the next couple of weeks I’ll have a few sponsored posts going up about things that I don’t normally write about here, but they are nevertheless things that I do feel strongly about so please bear with me!

Posted in: personal

Comments on quick takes

  1. 1

    From Amanda:

    When I was pregnant with the boys, my doc said my INSANE heartburn was caused by the elevated testosterone levels in my blood due to carrying two boys. I don’t remember the details, but I’m going to take it to mean you’re having a seriously manly little dude ;)

  2. 2

    From kapachino:

    Ha! My husband will be very happy with that theory. :)

  3. 3

    From Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout:

    Gah, pregnancy heartburn! I had it soooo bad. Try drinking water with a little raw apple cider vinegar in the mornings (if you can stand the taste). It really did seem to help. Your stocking is looking great! I am making good progress on the knitted one I’m working on, but I had to rip out a small section and now I’m afraid I’m going to run out of white yarn. I have pictures printed and I have high hopes of catching up my PL album this weekend. I have all of October and November to do. Eek! But I refuse to go into the new year without the old year’s album finished.

  4. 4

    From Alice:

    Well, I’d blame her grandpa!

  5. 5

    From Nora:

    I had no idea that heartburn = hair! The things you learn :)

    Love the stocking and how it looks! you are so talented and crafty! Hope the weekend was a good one.

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