quick takes (christmas 2013 edition)

December 27, 2013


So we had a really great Christmas. I’ll tell you about it briefly in a minute. But first, we had a comically bad Christmas Eve night. Being 35 weeks pregnant with a toddler and working full-time during the holiday season, I just knew that I was going to have a breakdown at some point and it happened. We were trying to do too much, making it to my brother’s church (45 min away) at 6pm after work, and then I really wanted to drive to look at the lights in the fancy neighborhood nearby even though it was practically bedtime and Meredith was crying and neither of us had eaten and I was super tired and uncomfortable. So I didn’t let that go soon enough and we ended up missing multiple exits on the freeway to get home and there was yelling and crying (by Meredith AND me) and it was just bad. So that’s out of the way, and hopefully I can make it the next five weeks without a repeat.


Christmas Day, though, was great. A nice and slow morning just Meredith and me while David slept in, then my family trickled over. Meredith was thrilled with all the company and has never been happier. We ate good breakfast food and opened gifts all together. Late in the afternoon Meredith went down easily for a nap. While she slept we tidied up the house, took some photos, and said goodbye to everyone. Then not long later the three of us headed over to David’s brother’s house for more gifts and a big dinner. It was all so much fun and not too crazy, and the only bad part was that I had to wake up and go to work the next day.

forbes fam

meredith cheese

meredith close up

meredith cute

opening stockings

stagg family

stagg family christmas

For the record, Meredith’s favorite gifts (that day, anyway) were the stickers in her stocking, a book of the Christmas story that my mom recorded herself reading, and her new baby doll and stroller. Not only did she want to sleep with her baby, but the stroller had to come into our bed too. So I think it was a hit.


The aftermath of Christmas is that Meredith’s room (which is also going to be baby brother’s nursery) is a complete wreck. New toys and clothes are everywhere and I’m out of room to put stuff. I’m also getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute and running out of energy to do anything at all, so thank goodness for good friends (hi Lauren!!) who agree to come over and help organize. This is a huge goal for this weekend, and if I can get it accomplished then I’ll feel so much more sane and prepared.


Let’s talk about some creative things for a minute. Not that I am making much progress on anything, but thinking about it and planning makes me happy. Here are the projects on my mind:

  • Project Life. Status: I have pages completed through November 24. Past that I am up to date on editing and ordering photos (which I think is the hardest part) and I have my notes all in one place. So I think I’m in good shape to get caught up soon. As of now I think I am going to keep doing next year’s album the same way I have been, but I’m not ordering a new core kit because I still have a lot left. When I get around to making a title page for the next album I will share with you more plans.
  • Holiday minibook. Status: Haven’t started yet, but I have all my photos ordered and the supplies & ephemera are gathered in one place. I also have a list of ideas for journaling that I want to include. I am not sure when this will get put together yet but it will happen.
  • Cross stitching. Status: I haven’t been able to stitch in quite awhile. I have two projects in progress: a pretty Victorian flower and an autumn sampler. The flower comes next because it was started first and I’m far into it. After that I want to stitch a little birth thing for the babe, and then I’ll turn back to the sampler. It’s also a goal of mine to organize all my floss during maternity leave (I got this system for Christmas from my mom which I’m really excited about).
  • Master bedroom. Status: I got a curtain rod and curtains hung which makes me very happy. There is still a long way to go in this space but the next things I’d really like to do are get rid of the TV, replace the blinds, and make or acquire a second bedside table.


I won’t be doing any recaps of the year or any resolutions/goals for 2014. I just can’t right now. I love that kind of thing and I can’t wait to read everyone else’s, but I have no idea what my life will look like in a couple of months. Right now I am thinking of doing seasonal goal-setting instead, starting in the spring. We’ll see. In the meantime I am going to keep truckin’ along, praying for energy daily, and hopefully ending up with a healthy baby in a little over a month.

Happy Friday, friends.

Posted in: personal, holidays, personal

Comments on quick takes (christmas 2013 edition)

  1. 1

    From Stephany:

    I think “continue growing a human” and “bring life into the world” is a big enough resolution for the beginning of 2014! :) Aside from your horrific Christmas Eve, seems like your holiday went well! M looks SO big in these pictures, and absolutely adorable, like always.

  2. 2

    From Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout:

    Oh your Christmas Eve… seems like we have a total family meltdown like that about once a month around here… tired and hungry often play a part! And I totally know what you mean about the “Christmas aftermath” — I swear, I’ve been cleaning up for 4 days straight and stuff is still EVERYWHERE!

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