liam at three months

April 17, 2014



>Is all recovered from his bout with RSV and just finished his antibiotic for the subsequent ear infection (with minimal side effects!)

>Has started cooing instead of grunting. That and his smiles are just the best ever. Makes it all worth it.

>Can wear 6-month sized clothes. Big boy!

>Looks so much different than Meredith, in my opinion.

>Is a champion hair-grabber.

>Has a couple balding spots on the sides of his head, but hasn’t lost any off the top.

>Sleeps through the night, in bed with me.

>May not get a lot of one-on-one attention, but he is showered with toddler affection and entertainment. :)

>Is still a generally calm, happy baby. <3




>Am in a groove with work and home. All of my plans and routines are working so far.

>Miss audiobooks – my reading has gone way down – but I’d take the short commute any day.

>Am finishing up week 4 of Couch to 5k and it’s going really well. I’m also doing yoga on some of the off days. I’m enjoying exercising and when the new gym opens at work (June or July – free to employees) I want to step it up a notch. Now I really need to get my diet under control!

>Cry every single time I read a birth story or see a birth video. When I walk by the labor and delivery unit at work my stomach clenches up. I want to have another baby one day so badly, but I don’t know yet if it will be possible for us.

>Am pumping in two sessions almost the exact amount that Liam drinks during the day. The body is amazing.

>Think this post expresses so much of how I feel about daycare and being a working mom.

>Can’t stop looking at quilt inspiration on Pinterest. I’m even considering joining the Houston Modern Quilt Guild even though I’m such a newbie. Lately all I want to do is play with my sewing machine. If only I had the time!

>Look forward to being off work tomorrow for Good Friday. I think we are going to go to the zoo. :)

>Cherish my morning snuggles with Liam. I get out of bed before 6 and take him to the couch with a cup of coffee and my Bible study. He nurses or sleeps in my lap. It’s the only time of day we have for just us.


For reference:

0 months
1 month
2 months

Meredith at 3 months

Posted in: motherhood, monthly liam, motherhood

Comments on liam at three months

  1. 1

    From Sarah:

    I want to join the Houston MQG — but I live in Clear Lake and they meet so far away from me! Such a bummer.

  2. 2

    From kapachino:

    They meet in the Galleria area, right? It’s not close for me either since I live in Katy, but I figure it’s just once a month and I used to drive to the med center every day! You should come – I’m going to try and make the May meeting. :)

  3. 3

    From Nora:

    He is ADORABLE. Love his eyes and smile (and I’m a sucker for shorts like that on babies/toddlers). Glad he’s all healed and better!

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