the “perfect” photo

April 15, 2014

In Texas in spring the wildflowers pop up everywhere and people rush out to the sides of the highway to sit in the bluebonnets and take pictures. It’s a thing. Some people get awesome professional photos taken in them, but here am I with my cranky toddler, bobblehead infant, and my iPhone camera trying to force the perfect bluebonnet photo.


I had just interrupted Meredith’s late-to-being-with nap for these. Told her to hold Liam in her lap so hold him she did.


It was windy.


In attempting to get artistic I didn’t even notice my finger over the lens.


They got tired and wanted to lie down. (Also, we didn’t smoosh the bluebonnets, they were already like that.)


So then I gave the camera to my mom and reluctantly jumped in there. Meredith decided to start being silly, poking her eyes. Lovely shot of the freeway in the background, too.


Poking his eyes.


And a kiss.


Hey, here’s a decent-ish one. But what I really wanted was more photos of just the kids, so I bribed Meredith with ice cream to sit with Liam in her lap one more time.


She is struggling under all of his massive weight, so I laid him down on her lap and she was happier.


Yeah, this is the best we could do.

I don’t really care that we didn’t get a great bluebonnet photo, because these tell the story of what that afternoon was really like. It was still a great memory. :)

Posted in: personal, thoughts

Comments on the “perfect” photo

  1. 1

    From Bree:

    They may not be perfect to a professional, but they look perfect to me! I love the one with the wind in their faces, Liam looks like he’s just loving it!

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    From Jennifer Ginn:

    These pictures are perfect. You all made memories and caught in on camera……these babies will grow up SO FAST!

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    From lauren w:

    This made me laugh out loud!

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    From Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout:

    Ah… this is just classic “real life” parenthood, isn’t it? I predict that last photo will become a famous one in your family.

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    From Kara:

    The photos are too cute and really capture how stinkin’ hard it is to get a toddler to cooperate for a photo! (Kudos to you for trying to get it done with two bebes!)

    The bluebonnets must be a big deal in Texas – this is the second blog post I’ve read about getting photos taken with them. (Maybe Texas’ bluebonnets are like Canada’s snow? The season hasn’t truly changed until you see it?)

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    From Nora:

    Love Meredith’s hair! Probably because I spent much of my youth like that, with wisps and kind of brown/kind of light blond hair all over the place.

    I love the stories the pictures tell and that you guys have flowers like that. They are gorgeous!

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    From Stephany:

    This made me giggle. I’m going to go ahead and compare your children to my dog and I hope that’s okay because goodness, this is the same as trying to get a good picture of Dutch! When he’s outside, just forget it. He turns away, moves his head the second I take the picture. I try to be all artistic & it never turns out right. I can imagine it’s 1000x more difficult with two squirrelly children! :) That last photo, though, her little smile made my day.

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    From Melissa:

    These are great! They made me laugh!!!! You’ll have to keep them for sure.

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    From Mindy:

    Hilarious. You gotta frame at least one of the “outtakes!”

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