link roundup / 4

June 6, 2014

Today I’m sharing some stuff I found around the internet. Enjoy!

One day I’d love to get fancy about my coffee (just for fun). Right now I just do a k-cup or a cold brew. This process (using a grinder, Chemex, and postal scale) seems overwhelming but it only takes 15 minutes so it’s something to shoot for! (And my Keurig just started malfunctioning, so maybe it’s a sign…)

I am completely in love with this advent calendar from Purl Soho and I want to make it SO badly. I totally can’t afford it right now but I need to make it happen somehow.

Craftsy is having a BIG summer sale if you’ve thought about giving it a try, now might be the time.

Baby names are fascinating and a subject that never gets old to me. I knew that when we chose Liam’s name that it was popular, but I loved it enough (and the fact that it’s a derivative of William, which is my father-in-law’s name) to name him that anyway. Apparently it’s super trendy right now, even more so than I realized, at number two in the country. And according to this analysis, it’s the youngest boys’ name in the country as well.

A physical health update is coming to you soon, but basically I’ve been somewhat counting my calories and although it is helping me, it’s not achieving my end goal of eating healthier, real food. Whole30 has been around for awhile and I’ve always shunned the thought of it but something about Katie’s post this week makes me want to give it a try. I’ve already started the book and I think I’m actually going to do it! More on this soon.

I ordered a big engineer print like this for over our bed.

Very inspired by this post about having a happy closet. I could completely relate. I went through a big purge recently but I know I can do better!

I don’t think I’m a Highly Sensitive Person, but I still got a lot out of these tips for highly sensitive parents.

My love for podcasts continues, even though I can’t keep up. Kyla has a bunch of recommendations about blogging, lifestyle, and pop culture, some of which I listen to and totally love, and I’ve added lots more to my list to try out.

Speaking of podcasts, I’ve been considering hosting one of my own. I’m a long way from it yet, but if I could gauge any interest I might go for it. It would most likely be about working motherhood, interview-style, and would of course include creativity, goal-setting, time management, healthy living, etc. along with all the issues involved in being a working mom. Let me know what you think!


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Posted in: links

Comments on link roundup / 4

  1. 1

    From Katie:

    Yay for Whole30!! You can totally do it!! I’m on Day 6 and I feel great!!

  2. 2

    From Kathleen:

    Thanks for the encouragement, Katie! I hope you’ll write more about your experience too. I plan to start a week from Monday; I wish I could start right away but I need just a little more time to plan because it’s going to be a HUGE change for us!

  3. 3

    From Nora:

    You’re one of my most favorite people so if you did a podcast I would definitely listen. Aaaannd, confession time: it would be the first one I listen to =) I’ve never listened to one before.

    On my health journey: I’ve managed to back off desserts to be an every other day thing (that’s big for me! Working to get it down to just one a week, effective as of next weekend…) and I’m starting to take apple cider vinegar for a variety of reasons. It’s not yummy but thankfully mixing it with water & cranberry juice makes it bearable. I also take “green food,” pills from Trader Joe’s and they make me feel better (they are all natural). I have such strange food allergies that doing something like Whole30 would be very hard for me which sucks, frankly! You’re an inspiration to me, my friend!

  4. 4

    From Kathleen:

    Aw thanks friend! You’re one of my favorites too. :)

    Great healthy steps you’ve taken! I was eating multiple desserts a day so I know what a big deal it is to cut back even to one a day, ha. And for what it’s worth, I was just reading in the book about whole30 a testimonial from someone who has severe allergies like yours (to fructose, right?) and how after taking on this program they are now able to eat a lot more types of fruit. I’m sure it would be sooo hard though!

  5. 5

    From Sarah:

    We chose Emma knowing full well that it’s a SUPER popular name right now. But we liked it, so we went with it! There were several other Sarahs around when I was growing up and it never bugged me, so hopefully being one of many Emmas won’t bother her either!

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