where do you live?

June 19, 2014

living in houston

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Where do you live, and do you like it? Sometimes during the long, hot summers of Houston I get to daydreaming about a milder climate. I even decided to take a quiz to tell me what my ideal U.S. city would be. It gave me the top 24, but the first five were:

1. Tulsa, OK

2. Greenville, SC

3. Clarksville, TN

4. St. George, UT

5. Hampton, VA

I didn’t know much about any of these cities, so I took some time to read about them and I decided Greenville, SC is my favorite! If I could just up and relocate though, I’d have to visit and really feel the “vibe” before deciding.

As it is, for the most part I do love living near Houston. I actually live in a suburb, and I like the conveniences of a nearby large city (top medical center, lots of culture, shopping options, restaurants) but there is more space, better schools, and it’s affordable. And although it’s super hot in the summer, we have awesome springs and falls, and our winter is very mild. I can handle hot better than cold. We also have a really low cost of living here!

The number one reason we are probably in Houston to stay, though, is that both of our families (including all siblings) live here. We are all pretty close and now that kids are involved it’s become even more important to us to be very involved in each others’ lives.

What about you? Where do you live, and do you like it? If you take the quiz, what are your results?

Posted in: personal, thoughts

Comments on where do you live?

  1. 1

    From lauren w:

    Kathleen no joke I just took this quiz a few days ago. I can’t remember all of what I got right off but I’m pretty sure Greenville was one. Let’s move there together. :)

  2. 2

    From lauren w:

    Just checked, my top 5:
    1. Tulsa, OK
    2. Greenville, SC
    3. Clarksville, TN
    4. Nashville, TN
    5. Hampton, VA

    Apparently we are basically the same person.

  3. 3

    From Kara:

    I did this quiz a while back, but I couldn’t remember what the answers were, so I did it again. This time, as a top 5 I got:
    1) Fort Collins, CO
    2) Loveland, CO
    3) Provo-Orem, UT
    4) St. George, UT
    5) Seattle, WA

    Out of those, I’d probably choose Seattle. It’s closest to where I live already and I already know a little bit about it. I do love where I live now though; it’s very much a center-hub for a lot of outlying small towns, so it has all the amenities I like without being too busy.

  4. 4

    From Stephany:

    This was so interesting! I think I might write a post about it on my blog. I got SEVEN different cities in North Carolina, and also Clearwater, FL, which is where I’m thinking of moving to next year. I don’t think I could move to a different state because it would just be HARD to start over like that. And being far away from my mom, brother, and nephew would be really, really difficult.

  5. 5

    From Amanda:

    I’ve lived in Nashville for about 2.5 years and I love it. I’m originally from the west coast, though, so I don’t know if I’m destined to be in the southeast forever.

  6. 6

    From Kathleen:

    I have a good friend who lives in Nashville and I visited her last year. What a great town! I think I would love living there!

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