liam at six months

July 17, 2014

liam at six months


>Has his six-month checkup Friday, but according to our home scale he weighs about 20 pounds. He is in 9-12 month clothes and size 4 diapers! (He wears cloth during the day and disposables at night.)

>Started on baby food last week! So far he’s just had a few bites and isn’t sure quite what to do with it.

>Is extremely grabby and is finally enjoying sitting in his jumper toy sometimes.

>Really is too big for his infant tub now, so I’m gonna have to graduate him to the big tub.

>Holds his own bottle.

>Loves tummy time now that he can really push up, but he’s starting to be a real roly poly.

>Is an early riser and since he still sleeps next to me in bed, he senses anytime I am getting up and wakes up at the same time…even if it is 4:30am! I’ve given up on “alone” time in the mornings and instead let him play happily on his play mat while I do my thing.

>Went for his first swim this month.

>Is still just the happiest, calmest baby for the most part.

liam at six months

liam at six months


>Am most definitely making these lactation cookies this weekend (now that I can have them again)! I want to keep nursing Liam for quite awhile longer, so I do want to keep my pumping output up (it’s been dropping over the past month, but picked up again recently – yay).

>Have a lot less anxiety about starting him on solids than I did with Meredith. Now I know that it doesn’t mean he won’t want to nurse anymore, and the two can happily coexist for a long time. Also, I am a lot more confident with cooking and preparing real food for my family now (thank you whole30!) so feeding kiddos doesn’t scare me anymore.

>Need to set up his baptism.

>Am thinking more about setting up a new room for Meredith to move into (so hopefully she will start sleeping in her own bed) and then maybe we could reclaim the crib for Liam. I don’t know. It’s overwhelming!

>Do know that a toy purge needs to happen. I think this should be a thing prior to every birthday and Christmas.

>Have been thinking a lot about productivity systems. I have a lot of little routines and systems and tools that I use, but I would like to put them all together to have something more comprehensive. Eventually I want to try and create my own customized notebook that works in the way I think. I’m researching and planning a lot lately. I love productivity and using time efficiently because as a working mom I have to use my time well in order to be able to rest. I don’t love being busy for the sake of busyness or achievement. I just want to live a full, balanced life.

liam at six months

And for fun…a little video where you can see how ticklish he is. :)

For reference:

0 months
1 month
2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months

Meredith at 6 months

Posted in: motherhood, monthly liam, motherhood

Comments on liam at six months

  1. 1

    From Lauren W:

    adorable. i love his lil smile!

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    From Kara:

    His little giggles are the best! Isla watched with me and exclaimed, “Cute baby, mom!”

  3. 3

    From Kessi:

    I had THE BEST time catching up with you and snuggling Liam yesterday!!! Thanks for being my friend!

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    From chris stagg:

    He’s such a happy baby. those laughs are priceless!

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    From Holly:

    Topher and Ellie loved the baby giggles :) We do a toy purge before birthdays and Christmas – I ask Topher how many presents he thinks he’s going to get and he picks out the same number of old toys to give away. I also do random toy purging when the kids are at their grandparents’ or out with Nathan. I have to be sneaky about it to avoid temper tantrums!

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    From Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout:

    Such sweet, sweet, sweet photos! I always do a toy purge at Christmas and birthdays… it seems like it’s less noticeable when there are new toys to be played with! Although sometimes I just box toys up to get out later (although sometimes I forget we have them) and that works well too — they’re rarely missed — but heaven forbid J spots the box, he will insist on dragging back out every tiny piece of junk toy. Argh…

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    From Ashley Koch:

    We do a toy purge before birthdays and Christmas too. It’s a huge help! Another thing that works really well for us is a containment system for toys (and other things around the house). Sebastian has a set of bins (one of those six-cube shelves with the canvas bins from Target) and our rule is that he can have as many toys or books as we can fit into the shelves and on top, but as soon as there is no more room for them, something has to go in order to make room. It works great! It makes it so that we have limits for our things and we don’t have piles of toys and books with nowhere to put them.

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    From yours truly, melissa:

    Such a cutie! :) Have you weaned Meredith from nursing? You’ve probably already covered this, but I must’ve missed the update…

  9. 9

    From Nora:

    Baby laughs! One of the best things in the world :) He’s adorable. You and your hubs make pretty cute kids.

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