
August 15, 2014


Genius: Meredith has been in swim lessons the past two weeks. It’s every day at 6:15 p.m. I usually don’t make any plans on week days due to the stress factor so this has been kind of crazy for us. My genius, though, was to simply delegate the whole thing to David. That way I can nurse Liam and make dinner peacefully while they’re gone, we eat as soon as they get home, and then it’s bedtime. Easy.

Fail: Weekend naps continue to be a sticking point for us. They never happen in an orderly or easy fashion and we routinely suffer the consequences. Last Sunday, Meredith started dozing off on the way home from church. She woke up when we arrived at home, but we were desperate for her to take a good nap so Liam and I got out and David took her driving in hopes that she’d fall back asleep in the car. She did, eventually, but kept waking up and whining. A couple hours later when she was awake for good, we realized that she was hungry. Yeah – feeding her would probably help, huh?

p.s. – if it seems like all my genius & fail moments are to do with Meredith, that’s because, in my experience, toddlers are way harder than babies.


thinking of joining Costco.

excited to finally attend a Houston Modern Quilt Guild meeting tomorrow.

wondering if I’d be any good at cross stitch pattern design.

starting on my advent calendar.

wishing it was cool enough to run outside comfortably.

signed up for another half marathon only two weeks after the other one I’m training for.

feeling sore from yoga + running outside in the heat & pushing M. in the stroller.

needing new workout clothes.

giving this nutritional replenishment program a try.

joining this Bible study discussion group.

saving for a new camera.

delighted that when I bought new mascara yesterday, it came with a free sample of lip gloss.

cooking breakfast tacos for David every morning so that he’ll actually eat breakfast.

finishing my summer epic novel and coming up with a loose reading plan including an unofficial YA book club with a friend.

relieved that it’s the weekend and I don’t have to cook tonight (Friday night dinner with my parents for the win).

Posted in: personal, currently, personal

Comments on currently

  1. 1

    From Holly:

    Sunday naps are always hit and miss for our kids. Ellie usually naps at 9 am, which is when church starts, so we keep her up and let her play in the nursery. Sunday is the only day naps are mandatory for Topher (our weekends are so busy, we’re all exhausted by Sunday afternoon!) but lately he just plays in his room, which keeps Ellie awake, which means nobody gets a nap which makes us all grumpy. We joined Costco just for the cheaper diapers, wipes, gas, and photo lab. We rarely buy anything else there!

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