currently (& a new feature)

August 1, 2014


New favorite picture of the kids.

Every other Friday I’ve been sharing links to some good stuff I found around the Internet. On the other Fridays I like to pop in with a quick personal post, and today I want to add a feature to those “currently” posts.

One of the podcasts I love is called One Bad Mother (warning: there are swears) and every week they share their genius & fail moments as a parent. It’s probably my favorite part of the show, and I thought it would be fun to share my own personal genius & fails with y’all every couple of weeks. And of course, I’d love it if you’d chime in with your own!

Genius : getting myself and the kids ready in the morning can be…stressful. The worst is getting Meredith dressed, because she takes SO LONG. If she can’t get the clothes on right she might possibly have a breakdown. And if I try to help her, omg, it’s like I’m torturing her or something. Half of the mornings result in tears. So one night this week David took her to Kohl’s because he had some Kohl’s cash that was expiring and he bought her a cute little shirt and shorts. She was so excited she wanted to wear it to sleep, and I realized: genius. In the morning she was excited to wear her new clothes to school and it saved so much time. It’s worked a couple days in a row so far!

Fail : for the last two nights in a row Meredith and I have gone to bed almost two hours later than usual. Therefore we both woke up super grumpy and emotional today, I definitely snapped at her which made me feel super great about myself (sarcasm), I didn’t have time to make our healthy breakfast, and now I’m REALLY having to work to snap out of it. Bed at 7pm today!!

Currently : 

trying to shake off my funk.

missing Twitter and Instagram. I’ve been more active blogging, but less active there and I miss the conversation and the friends. Lately the trend is to cut back on social media but I find myself wanting to make more of an effort at it.

ready to get back to my quilt. I’ve been in the mood to sew and I want to get the quilt finished so I can move on to other projects. Next step is basting and then quilting.

fitting in more reading time here and there and I sense that my slump is ending.

excited about starting half marathon training next week! Our work gym opens the same day my first run is scheduled, which is so nice because I didn’t want to run in the heat and I don’t mind the treadmill for shorter distances.

signed up for a 10k at the end of September with my brother and sister-in-law.

planning a date night for this weekend. I think we are going to do a food truck crawl!

enjoying an afternoon coffee break most days at work.

eating mostly paleo except for a little cheese and yogurt, and…

snacking on dark chocolate covered almonds daily.

writing snail mail letters and cards to friends.

praying about where to serve in my community.

Posted in: personal, currently, personal

Comments on currently (& a new feature)

  1. 1

    From Nora:

    A food truck crawl!? More details, please.

    Genius: the girls went to a bounce house/art camp this week that we scored for them via Groupon! They were so tired they opted to take a nap yesterday and they have been going to bed with no fights. Win!

    Fail: We went to see Knight’s softball game on Wednesday; the girls wanted to play on the playgrounds, I wanted to get in some laps around the playground. At one point the girls decided to run with me which was fine until the older kid went FLYING and scraped her hands and elbows up something awful. I know it wasn’t my fault but if I hadn’t tried to get in a run they wouldn’t have wanted to run with me.

  2. 2

    From Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout:

    I’ve been putting Sam to sleep in a clean outfit every night, and it saves me so much hassle in the morning! I haven’t been doing it with J because I assumed he would look too rumply, but let’s be honest, I’m not folding his clothes that well anyway, and he’s 4 — he’s bound to look a little rumpled! Getting dressed in the mornings is a huge battle at our house too, but its because he wants to stay in pjs all day long. Not sure he would go for sleeping in clothes!

    (Can you really get your kids to bed at 7? OMG I’m so jealous…)

  3. 3

    From Kathleen:

    Oh, the 7pm bedtime is a total dream. Meredith rarely goes to bed before 9. Wishful thinking!

  4. 4

    From Holly:

    A food truck crawl sounds like a fantastic date night! I wish I could dress Topher the night before – getting him dressed is such a pain. As it is, he takes his pyjamas off during the night – he wants to be in just his underwear all the time!

  5. 5

    From Sarah:

    Which half marathon are you doing? I’m signed up for Houston in January but haven’t thought about training yet — should probably get on that soon.

  6. 6

    From Erika Lee Sears:

    I just love that the fail and genius of the week because I know I always feel so so so guilty about the fails.

    My daughter loves her sleep routine and if she is out of it- the monster is awakened. lol. lots of luck with bedtime and you can do it. :)

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