link roundup / 11

August 30, 2014

link roundup

Today I’m sharing some stuff I found around the internet. Enjoy!

>I teared up at this post about maternity leave, and how becoming a mother fundamentally changes you.

>Toddler quotes are the best.

>Amazing Texas quilt top by one of the members of my quilt guild. (Do you like how I called it “my” quilt guild even though I’ve only been to one meeting and I haven’t even technically finished one quilt yet?)

>I found this marriage advice to be spot on.

>I’m trying out NatureBox (a healthy snack subscription service), do you use it?

>Do you sleep in pajamas, something cute, or an old t-shirt like me? I’ve been frustrated with my sleepwear lately and want to get something like this – perfect for nursing and looks cool (as in, not hot).

>I used to do crossword puzzles all the time but I fell out of the habit; this article makes me want to pick up the hobby again.

>We are working hard on painting and moving rooms today, and this roundup of shared spaces keeps me inspired and pushing through because I know the end result could be great.

Posted in: links

Comments on link roundup / 11

  1. 1

    From Kara:

    My pajamas consist of my own bottoms, plus an old t-shirt (either mine own or my husband’s). Before I splurged on new bottoms, I just wore my husband’s, which worked great when I was pregnant.

    I loved that post on maternity leave. It just makes me so thankful that I live in a place where moms are allowed a full, paid year off with their babes, if they want it.

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