Posts About week in the life

week in the life 2015 : thursday in the album

October 26, 2015

I’m getting so close to finishing this project, over halfway through! I’ve been getting through a day each weekend lately so I should be done by Thanksgiving for sure. :) I like my albums to be cohesive so I pick a formula and stick with it. You’ll see the same things here as the other days. The “today” stamp above is from last year’s week in the life kit. Again you’ll notice that I put some photos back to back outside the page protectors. The pair on top is centered around daycare dropoff, and the pair on the bottom is about my work day. I’ve really liked including a lot of typed journaling on the photos, but I also like…
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week in the life 2015 : wednesday in the album

October 19, 2015

This album is still slowly but surely coming together! It’s taking me longer than expected (story of my life) because I’ve barely had any spare time these days, but finishing a single day at this point only takes about half an hour. Here’s the rest of what Wednesday looks like: Once again with this 3×8 insert I listed out a brief outline of our morning and afternoon, but today I had a photo of dinner to include. This is what happens when I take photos with the kids in the house. :) I liked this method of numbering the photos with stickers to match up with the “observations” journal card. This is probably my favorite spread of the album so…
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week in the life 2015 : tuesday in the album

October 5, 2015

My Week in the Life album is coming together one day at a time. Here is what Tuesday looked like: For this day I used the 3×8 insert to include more photos, mostly of what I ate and then of the kids at my in-laws’ house in the evening. Just simple. I had fun coordinating colors. The left side of this page was all about taking the kids to daycare and dropping them off. The right side was about me getting settled in at home for my day off. I thought the “there is no place like home” card was perfect because I absolutely LOVE being home. It’s my happy place. And this day I got to be there all…
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week in the life 2015 : monday in the album

September 24, 2015

I’m excited to start sharing with you my completed Week in the Life album. I’ve made a lot of progress and hopefully I’ll be finished with the whole thing within a month! For my album, I used mostly Ali’s kit. Here you see the title page, on which I decided to just play with paper. I think it’s cute. :) Before we got into the details of the week, I wanted to briefly give some info about each of us. I basically just wrote our ages and what we’re into right now off the top of my head. I love the transparent dividers that came with the kit since I preordered. For the beginning of each day I decided to…
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week in the life 2015 : sunday photos & words

August 24, 2015

This week I am documenting a week in our lives along with the Ali Edwards community. Here are some photos and words about yesterday, if you’d like to see… Sunday, again, I did not want to wake up. Liam forced me to get out of bed around 7, but Meredith kept sleeping. Obviously my camera does not do well in low light, but I wanted to show her all cuddled up in my bed. I made some coffee and we played for a little bit. Liam actually had worn PJ’s but I took them off after changing his diaper. I needed to start working on some chores since I was still behind from yesterday, so I turned on the TV…
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