Posts About me


April 17, 2008

Last night I came home a little late after a soccer game, and I was in the room I’m staying in getting ready to shower. I called out loud, “If there are any roaches in the bathroom, you had better get out now. If you don’t, just look in the trash can and see what will happen to you!” Imagine my disgust when I turned on the bathroom light and there was ANOTHER huge one just sitting there in the middle of the floor, looking around. I could hardly believe it. Are they out to get me? Was this a reconnoissance mission to look for the one I killed yesterday? Tomorrow night, will there be an army awaiting me? Ugh….
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another roach encounter

April 16, 2008

There was a roach in the bathroom last night, at least I’m pretty sure it was a roach. I wasn’t sure at first because its wings were sticking out from its body AS IF IT HAD JUST FINISHED FLYING. The fact that roaches can fly is something that I have tried desperately to suppress deep inside my brain. Recalling it brings to mind nothing but visions of hideous things flying directly toward my face. I shudder just thinking about it. Actually just the word roach grosses me out. Ew. I will not be using it again. So when I saw it, the first thing I did was run to the kitchen to search for some Raid. Raid is pretty much…
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Pictures of Life

March 25, 2008

Just wanted to share with you a few random images from the past week. Here is the bulletin board at my school: This is where I discover new clinical trials to take part in. Currently I’m involved in a 7-month bird flu vaccine study, and I’m also scheduled to go play some computer games while having an MRI done on Wednesday. Here is Cleo playing with Riley, one of the dogs I pet-sit: [Video lost. Sad.] They got along great, and as you can see Cleo was not intimidated by Riley’s size. But unfortunately the two of them together caused a little more trouble than either of them on their own. The victims were two wooden chess pieces and a…
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Mixed Bag

March 3, 2008

I let myself go last week and only posted once. Sorry about that. To get back into the swing of things, I’m going to post this meme because I was tagged by Tabaitha last Wednesday, but I’m just now getting around to it. 10 years ago: I was a sophomore in high school, and my classes were pretty easy.  It was soccer season, so I was probably doing a lot of that. Things on my to-do list today: Work Dry cleaning and alterations Laundry Print out a picture to send to Mary (our Compassion child) Go to bed EARLY! What would I do if I suddenly became a billionaire? Pay off my credit card and my student loans. Also David’s truck. I’d…
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I Hope I’m Not Breaking Any Laws

February 20, 2008

Apparently it pays to make barely any money. Last year, since I was a full-time student with only a part-time job, I made about $6,000 and I paid about $1 in federal taxes. I hadn’t done my taxes because I figured there was no way I was getting a refund. But I just decided to do them tonight, using one of the free online services, and wouldn’t you know it? I’m getting a $429 refund due to the Earned Income Credit. This seems crazy to me, and I really hope I’m not doing anything wrong. All I did was follow the instructions. I didn’t make anything up. Does anyone know anything about this?