Posts About me

Some Goals, Sort Of

March 22, 2012

Recently, in my coffee-less state (this is important because everything seems worse without coffee), I have started to feel a growing discontent with some areas of my life. Not major things, but little things. I’ve kind of hit a plateau in a lot of areas and it’s bringing me down. I don’t have a lot of extra time or money, and I’m really good about cutting myself some slack because of it, but I’m at the point where I think some productivity and changes could really benefit me mentally. Here’s what I’m thinking about: Home Here is our home. We’ve lived here about three years, and I love it. But we never finished furnishing it, and there are a couple…
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February 5, 2012

Guess, what? I’m thirty years old today. Hooray! It’s a milestone. Kind of a big one, although I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because 30 seems so…adult. So…old? Nah. I don’t feel old. I mean, I’ve been living like a grandma for years, but I feel great. Nevertheless, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on this birthday. Kind of evaluating my life, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it is fantastic. I’m healthy. I’m married to a man with a heart of gold who loves me like I never dreamed I would be loved. We have an adorable, healthy baby who gives us endless joy. We have amazing families who are our best friends. I have a steady…
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thoughts on free time

January 28, 2012

It’s Saturday morning and I’m feeling overwhelmed. It’s the first day in a long while that I don’t have a single plan. Not a thing on my to-do list. I’ve been looking forward to it eagerly. Meredith woke me up at 5 a.m. and I managed to stay in bed with her until around 6. We got up, I had coffee and oatmeal, and we played. I sat with her on the couch and finished a book while she chewed on her toys. It was good. Then I cleaned the kitchen. I knew I’d feel better once that was done. I tidied up the living room, but that didn’t take long. I thought that I needed to sweep the floor,…
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Weekend Activities, Self-Reflection, and Baby Hair Control

November 14, 2011

So I had a really good weekend. It was a perfect mix of productive and fun. I could have possibly used a bit more relaxing at home time, but you can’t win ’em all. I was so proud of all that I had accomplished on Saturday that I was bragging to David at the end of the day. Me, with smug satisfaction: …and I even showered, and shaved my legs, and plucked my eyebrows, and completely groomed myself! David: Honey, MOST people do that. Me, not quite so smug: Well, so do I, OBVIOUSLY. Just…not all the time. *** Because of some things that have happened lately I have been examining myself and how I handle conflict. I have come to…
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Joining the Confession

November 7, 2011

Recently Ashley wrote a post listing all the things she doesn’t do in order to highlight the fact that she’s an imperfect human, just like all of us, because it’s so easy to get caught up in jealousy in the blog world where you only see what other people want you to see. Since then I’ve seen a bunch of other people follow her lead, which I think is awesome. I’m here to make my own confessions. I’m so not perfect, don’t have it all together, and there are a bunch of areas that I want to improve. BUT, I’m happy with my life and I like myself. I hope you do, too. (Like YOURSELF. I hope you like me too, but that’s…
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