Posts About personal


April 22, 2013

Playground fun over the weekend. *** Time // 6:47 p.m. Place // home at my desk Eating // cold pizza and strawberries Drinking // cold water Watching // nothing now but I did see Olympus Has Fallen over the weekend and it was intense but good. Reading // Matched by Ally Condie. I just needed something quick and light. Wanting // a new pair of earrings because I recently lost one of my only pair. I am always losing one earring. Thinking // about how I hardly ever use Instagram anymore, and how I need to remedy that. Creating // trying to complete my woven wall hanging before month’s end. Hoping // Meredith’s epic struggle with teething will end soon. She’s soooo slow…
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April 22, 2013

Playground fun over the weekend. *** Time // 6:47 p.m. Place // home at my desk Eating // cold pizza and strawberries Drinking // cold water Watching // nothing now but I did see Olympus Has Fallen over the weekend and it was intense but good. Reading // Matched by Ally Condie. I just needed something quick and light. Wanting // a new pair of earrings because I recently lost one of my only pair. I am always losing one earring. Thinking // about how I hardly ever use Instagram anymore, and how I need to remedy that. Creating // trying to complete my woven wall hanging before month’s end. Hoping // Meredith’s epic struggle with teething will end soon. She’s soooo slow…
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around here // staycation

April 15, 2013

So as much as I hate the word “staycation,” that is exactly what I had last week. Or I guess you could call it my own personal spring break. And it was awesome! I am not even upset about being back to the grind this week because I feel so accomplished and refreshed (although it’s as if Meredith knew I had to go back to work and chose to sleep horribly last night – but that’s what coffee is for). I took a week off for the specific purpose of being productive on crafts & personal projects, and that is exactly what I did. With my time off, I managed to: >Visit a wildlife refuge with the family >Deal with…
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around here // staycation

April 15, 2013

So as much as I hate the word “staycation,” that is exactly what I had last week. Or I guess you could call it my own personal spring break. And it was awesome! I am not even upset about being back to the grind this week because I feel so accomplished and refreshed (although it’s as if Meredith knew I had to go back to work and chose to sleep horribly last night – but that’s what coffee is for). I took a week off for the specific purpose of being productive on crafts & personal projects, and that is exactly what I did. With my time off, I managed to: >Visit a wildlife refuge with the family >Deal with…
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cross stitch #2 : home sweet home

April 11, 2013

I finally got these framed so I can share! I finished this project months and months ago. It’s from Cross Stitcher magazine and was meant to be pillows but I wanted to frame it because I am not advanced enough to make pillows nor do I really want needlepoint pillows. Did you know that it is not very easy to find square frames, especially 12×12 ones? I had to order these from Amazon and then get custom mats cut. It is hard to tell from this photo (and I apologize for the glare, it was impossible to avoid) but the frames are a dark mocha, not black. I am very happy with them and how the modern clean lines contrast with…
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