Posts Tagged ‘Computer & Technology

Friday Things: To Be Happy About

March 12, 2010

Goodreads iPhone app! Y’all should know by now that I love Goodreads. I’ve been dying for an app for a long time, and it’s finally here. Now I can post updates of my reading progress, browse books, add to my “to read” list, and read reviews from anywhere! More info here. Nintendo enthusiast! The lovely people at Brand About Town have chosen me to share my love for Nintendo. I’ve got a Wii and a Wii Fit Plus on the way, which will be perfect for helping me ease back into exercising after all these health setbacks. My new triathlon goal date is August, and there will certainly be some 100+ degree days where I won’t want to go outside…
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A Girl’s Gotta Try

December 19, 2009

I know I haven’t updated most of this week, and lame as this is I am writing now to tell you about how my blog/Twitter friend Ashley is giving away a laptop on her review blog. I would really, really like to win this computer. Not for myself, because once I went Mac I don’t think I can go back. But for my husband, because his laptop causes him to curse at least once a night, if he can even bring himself to use it. I had to use his computer myself when my hard drive crashed awhile ago, and I don’t know how he puts up with it. Sadly, a new computer is not in the budget for either…
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It Doesn’t Work If You Don’t Use It

May 11, 2009

Today, the painters sanded everything. And that’s it. So what should have taken at the most 3 days and been finished by Friday is now going on the 6th day. Oh well. My in-laws’ house is very homey. My parents’ house is homey too, but their guest room has two single beds, and David and I have grown accustomed to sleeping near each other at night. :) Also, last night my computer decided to stop working. And now I am inwardly freaking out because I bought an external hard drive, but I have yet to use it.  (Sorry Scott, don’t be disappointed in me!) And just as soon as I finish typing this I am going to troubleshoot my computer…
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