Posts Tagged ‘cooking

Chicken and Dumplings

August 7, 2009

Here is a recipe that I used to complete my goal of cooking dinner 4 times in 4 weeks. (Don’t judge, I have to start somewhere!) This was one of my husband’s favorite meals so in order to learn exactly how to make it, I asked his mom to come over and cook it with me for the first time. It turned out so good that I decided to make it again today, only a couple of weeks later. Ingredients: Chicken 1-2 pounds of chicken tenders (or whatever kind of chicken you like) 1 cup Bisquick 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon pepper Vegetable oil 1 26-ounce can cream of chicken soup Ingredients: Dumplings 2 1/4 cups Bisquick…
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Honey Mustard Chicken

July 6, 2009

As far as homemaking goes, I may be a little behind the curve. Strengths: cleaning, organization, scrapbooking, getting the bills paid on time, and taking care of you if you’re sick. “Growth areas” (this is therapy speak): sewing, gardening, decorating, and COOKING. I am completely inexperienced with cooking, which at times makes me feel like less of a woman, or something. (I’m exaggerating, people.) Anyway, I know I’m not going to go from newbie to chef extraordinaire overnight, so I’m starting slow. Hence my goal #2, cook dinner once a week for a month. This is the meal I cooked on Friday, and hopefully I can follow it up for the next three Fridays to complete the goal. Honey Mustard…
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Pita Pizza

September 1, 2007

I’ve been trying to eat healthier for about 6 weeks now. And even though I’d like to be, I am not a cook. I just haven’t had the time to get in to that yet. But sometimes it’s really helpful to make things myself: for the variety, because it can be cheaper, and healthier too. So I’m going to give you a recipe now, but since this is the first time I’ve done this I’m going to make some caveats which will hold for all future recipes (if, indeed, there are any to follow): a) This won’t be fancy, but when I do give you a recipe it’s going to be quick, easy, good, and healthy. At least in my…
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