Posts Tagged ‘Lists

weekend intentions

May 25, 2012

What, you don’t write your lists on hospital order sheets? Since last weekend we were all deathly ill (we were not actually near death; I am exaggerating in order to obtain your pity) a lot of things have gone undone and untended to around the house. This long holiday weekend comes at a perfect time for some catching up. For example, I would like to be able to walk through the house without wading through dog hair, have actual food in the kitchen other than crackers and applesauce, and a microwave to reheat it in. Having to use the oven and stove when you’re not even really cooking is the worst. Catching up on crafts would be fantastic. We haven’t…
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Things To Be Thankful For

November 25, 2009

With Thanksgiving just hours away, I remembered that years ago, when I was a sophomore in college, I wrote a list of things I should be thankful for. I was going through a hard time, and I needed to do something to give myself some perspective. I carried the list around with me for years, and added to it. A lot of the items are situational and wouldn’t make sense to you, but most of them are timeless and still apply. I rummaged the list up and would like to share some of it with you. Things to be thankful for: My hopes and dreams – even the fact that I have them My voice My brothers and I turned…
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