Posts Tagged ‘money

A Bunch Of Only Slightly Related Things

October 29, 2009

My morning has already been quite busy, and before I get on with the rest of the day (which will mostly involve cleaning) I simply must share with you these trivial thoughts. First of all, go on over and visit Lauren From Texas for her 6-month blogiversary! She’s having an adorable giveaway. Go ahead, go. I’ll wait. Now onto the randomness. Our dog Eddie hurt her leg last night trying to jump up onto our insanely high bed. She’s not putting any weight on it at all. We’ve been giving her children’s aspirin and trying to get her to rest. This has happened before, and after a couple weeks the leg got back to almost-normal. Here’s hoping it will heal…
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How I Spent My First Month’s Pay

July 4, 2008

Gave my tithe to my church Paid a huge chunk of money on my credit card bill Car insurance and phone bills Miscellaneous gas and food Donated to my four monthly charities (Compassion, Tabor College, support for two friends who are missionaries) Bought my cousin’s wife a baby shower gift Bought the CD Ampersand by Derek Webb and Sandra McCracken Paid to have my address changed on my driver’s license Premarital counseling And lastly… Bought Coldplay tickets. Yes! Still have some to spare! I’m liking this “real job” thing. Even though it does wear me out, it’s also very fulfilling. I had the option of taking the holiday off, but I chose instead to work to save up more personal…
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Bubba’s On His Way Out

April 22, 2008

I posted yesterday about my ignition problems with my car before leaving for work. Then I went to my car to leave, and my key wouldn’t turn at all. Short story: my wonderful fiance picked me up and took me to work, I had my car towed to the shop, took the bus home, and my car needs a part replaced and won’t be ready until Wednesday or Thursday. The whole deal will probably cost me around $500. I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not to get it fixed, because my car is a 1999, it’s beginning to have more and more problems, and I’m sure it’s not worth a whole lot. But I decided to go ahead…
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Happy Monday

April 14, 2008

Hey there, Thanks a bunch for your comments on our pictures. They make me happy. Sorry about the lack of posting last week, but it was a stressful one, as the next few probably will be as well. I passed a test last week that I was nervous about, but I have another, more important one today. It’s our exit exam and we have to get an 85 to pass. It could go either way for me, so I’m just going to do my best and see how it turns out. If you think about it, say a prayer. I let Friday go by without publishing a very special happy birthday to my brother David, so I want to say…
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“If The Going Gets Easy, You May Be Going Downhill”

April 2, 2008

This is the sign this week on the billboard of the church that I live near. Yes, it’s very cheesy but it actually encouraged me today. Because, my friends, the going is not easy for me at this moment. I am enormously stressed with many things. First of all, money. I am broke, not to mention in debt. David has already proven his love for me many times over, but in the last month he has compounded that by giving generously to me in my time of need. We say that it’s “our money” now, because we’re trying to change our way of thinking before we get married, but until we share the same checking account it’s going to take…
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