Posts Tagged ‘nursing

Death and Life

July 21, 2008

David’s aunt Sue died on Friday night after almost three years of battling pancreatic cancer. It’s a very close family so if you have a moment, please say a prayer for them: her husband Ralph most of all, her two sons Brian and Michael, David’s father Bill, her brother, and the rest of the family. I will be singing at her funeral on Wednesday morning. I’m honored to do it, and also quite nervous. I can get emotional. I was telling this news to one of the “seasoned” nurses on my unit today who has worked oncology for 21 years, and has had a lot of experience with grieving families. She asked, “Was she a Christian?” I replied that she…
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Code Blue

July 18, 2008

My patient with the low potassium had a seizure yesterday right at the end of my shift, and a code was called. It was my first code to experience, and it was scary. I ran to the room because I knew they would need me there, as her nurse. The alarm was blaring. People were everywhere. I was being asked all kinds of questions. Someone yelled to me, “She needs Ativan now!” Her sister was crying and yelling. Thankfully the patient never stopped breathing, and she slowly recovered. She hasn’t been the same since. She is either sleeping or confused and agitated now. But while all the commotion was going on, I realized that I cared for this woman and…
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Another Nursing Incident

July 16, 2008

I wasn’t going to bore you with stories from work again, but again something happened. Yesterday I was taking care of the same patient that I have had for at least a week now. And every day, her potassium is low. Every day the doctor makes rounds in the morning, sees that it is low, and orders us to replace the potassium through her IV. Yesterday her potassium was 1.5 (normal is 3.5 to 5.0), which is a critical level because abnormal potassium can cause life-threatening heart rhythm problems. Nurses worry when it drops below 3.   The day before, her potassium had been 1.8. I was with my preceptor that day, and she informed me that although it was…
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These Days Will Happen

July 14, 2008

I had a wonderful weekend, slept great, and was refreshed all day Sunday. I was ready to start the week. Well, last night I could not fall asleep for hours. My parents keep the house way too hot to be sleeping upstairs, and yet for some reason I didn’t think to go down and lower the thermostat. Therefore I tossed and turned, kicked covers and twisted sheets. Cleo was restless too; someone somewhere was setting off remnants of Independence Day firecrackers, and that got her trembling and needy for my attention. I think that today wouldn’t have seemed so bad if I weren’t so tired the whole time. But I was and it did. It was the first day at…
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On the Long Week, My Dog, and Medical Devices

July 11, 2008

Ah, Friday. It’s a good day. Not as good as Saturday, or Sunday, but still good. And this has been a long week.  Not just with work, although that gives me very limited time to accomplish anything else. But with getting the bridesmaid dresses ordered (requiring two separate trips to the shop), a weekly indoor soccer game, dinner with a friend, and finally getting myself organized and settled in my parents’ house, I have had very little time to relax. David came by the house last night briefly, but that was the first time we’d seen each other since Sunday. So yeah, long week. It’s been kind of nice to be living with my parents again, although strange at times. Cleo…
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