Posts Tagged ‘nursing

a “disastrous” day

September 20, 2007

Today at lunch I had a fortune cookie, and the fortune read, “Today is a disastrous day. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” Now I ask you: what is up with that? Today was NOT a disastrous day. Today was actually a very good day! I woke up at 5:30 a.m. at my brother’s place because that is where I stay on Wednesday nights now in order to get to my 6:45 a.m. clinical in the med center without having to wake up at an ungodly hour (as if 5:30 a.m. isn’t bad enough). At clinical today I was doing an OR observation. I LOVE the OR, and am seriously considering working in that area when I graduate. I…
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First Day Of School

August 27, 2007

Growing up my mom always demanded that she take my brothers and I to school on the first day instead of us riding the bus so that she could take our pictures. When we were younger this wasn’t such a big deal, but once high school rolled around I was pretty embarrassed about it. She kept telling us that we’d appreciate it, and deep down I knew she was right, but it didn’t seem worth it at the time. Of course, now I am glad that we will have those pictures to look back on, and sometime soon I hope to dig them out of her photo box. I let the tradition lapse for awhile in college, but today as…
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The Hidden Part Of Me

July 12, 2007

This summer I have been doing my psychiatric nursing rotation. Most patients stay for 6-8 weeks at the facility where I’m doing my clinical, and many types of disorders are treated. The first half of the summer I was on a unit for young adults; most of them were there for rehab. But the last two weeks and the rest of the summer I am on the OCD unit. I am really enjoying this unit because the patients are a lot easier to talk to and the staff is much more engaging. My first week there, one of the nurses got me involved with the patients and challenged me to think about my understanding of the disorder. He did this…
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Things I Learned In Class Today

July 2, 2007

1. The movie Pulp Fiction has its drug facts all wrong. 2. The best strategies for a nurse to steal drugs from the hospital for personal use. 2. How to make cocaine. And OK, I did learn some other stuff about substance abuse. But for some reason it doesn’t quite stick in my mind as well…

What The Coming Week Holds For Me

April 26, 2007

I can see the light…at this time next week I will be finished with my second semester of nursing school, one that has been quite difficult. Today I am studying for my pathophysiology exam. I also got a bunch of other stuff done, like filling out my FAFSA and my tax amendment form. By the way, ladies and gentlemen, do yourself a favor and remember to make copies of all the forms you send in to the IRS. I have done so every year except this year, and this is the year that I found an additional W-2 after I had already sent my forms in. I was quite annoyed with myself. Tomorrow I will take the patho exam and…
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