Posts Tagged ‘nursing

Job Happy

November 11, 2010

It’s been a week, and I love my new job. I wake up thirty minutes later in the morning (still 5 a.m., but at least I don’t have to see the number 4 anymore), I catch the bus five minutes from my house, and sleep or read on the way in. The building I work in is brand new. I have my own mobile phone while I’m there, with a number specific to me, which is very convenient when waiting on phone calls from doctors and such. The people I work with obviously like each other and I’ve already started to become friends with someone my age. They’ve even started planning their Thanksgiving luncheon; I’m bringing mac and cheese. I…
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Why I’ll Never Be Super Nurse

October 26, 2010

I work with a lady who I like to call Super Nurse. In addition to her full-time job in patient care on our unit, she is also in school to advance her degree. She is the chair of about a thousand committees. She is constantly conducting employee inservices and creating educational posters for the rest of us. She does research projects to figure out the best patient care. She plans all our parties. For a long time, I thought I wanted to be just like her. But then this year happened. We had a miscarriage, David dealt with debilitating pain and got both of his hips replaced, I developed food intolerances, and sunk into depression. My job, in which I…
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an important week: some thoughts

August 9, 2010

In about thirty minutes I’m going to make my epic return to work, and I wanted to take a second to get a few thoughts down before I go. *** One. After not working for awhile I’m wondering, will I remember how to do this? Will I remember how to manage my time, how to do all my skills, will I remember to do all the little pieces of charting that we’re required to do? I’m also wondering, how will people react to me today? After my two weeks off not only did I get a chemical peel that is still in the stages of healing (I know there will be some funny looks), but I’ve also decided to start…
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Things I Learned From My Husband’s Hospital Stay

July 26, 2010

It was an interesting experience staying in the hospital with my husband for a few days and NOT being the nurse. Although there were a few frustrating moments, overall we had a great experience. We liked certain staff members more than others. And actually, I think the whole ordeal will make me a better nurse. Here are some things I learned: When you walk into a patient’s room, introduce yourself. Even if you’re not assigned to that patient and are just helping out, let the patient know why you’re there. About a million people came in and out of our room and we didn’t know who half of them were. It was strange. If you are taking care of a…
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The Secret To A Successful Marriage

June 8, 2010

I was checking on one of my patients, a sweet eighty-year-old lady, and was about to leave the room when she caught my hand. Her: Are you married? Let me see your ring. (Looks at ring.) Ooh, that’s so pretty! How long have you been married? Me: About a year and a half. Her: Aww, I bet he’s a good one. Me: Yep. I love him. Her: I think that’s so great. I’ve been married for sixty years now, and I still love mine. Of course when you get older it’s different. It was really hard when we found out that I had cancer, but you have to go somehow! My husband and I dealt with it and then he…
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