Posts Tagged ‘nursing

My First Mobile Post

November 20, 2009

This is my very first time posting from my iPhone. I’m all grown up! Really though, I don’t like mobile blogging much, but today it’s about all I have the energy for. Currently I am on the train in the medical center headed to my car. I have been at work for approximately 13 hours and it’ll be another hour before I’m home. When I get there, I want to spend time with my husband and not in front of the computer. Today was a hard day because we were short staffed. My mentor told me that today was one of her worst days in her entire career, which is 43 years. A rounding nurse practitioner told me, “You guys…
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career plan

November 3, 2009

Since I’m stuck at work today for 16 hours–and I feel the need to tell you that I only agreed to do this because I was awarded tomorrow off, and they will be paying me for four hours that I won’t have to work, and I also have Thursday off, as well as this weekend, so it’ll be almost like a mini-vacation–I figured I’d quickly tell you about how I came to fulfill #35 on my 101 goals list: Thoroughly research nurse practitioner programs in the area and decide whether or not to enroll. Ever since my mentor told me I should become a nurse practitioner, I’ve been thinking long and hard about it. I love my job, but I…
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The Most Boring Weekend Update Ever

October 20, 2009

This past weekend, I worked. 24 hours. I slept about 14. I commuted 4. The time I had to do what I wanted was maybe 2 hours total. Then on Monday, I worked another 8 hours. When I came home, I took a 3-hour nap, and I never nap. Then I woke up, ate, read a little, and went back to sleep. My husband misses me. But today is a new day! I am SO well-rested, and despite the fact that I truly did injure my ankle doing NOTHING (maybe I stepped wrong?), I have so far been able to clean the whole house, do some laundry, and watch last night’s episode of DWTS. Next up is the dog park…
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just another manic monday

September 21, 2009

By now you should probably know that I’m a nurse, right? I mean it says so right there in my header. And you may or may not know that I’m an oncology nurse, which means I take care of cancer patients. There are some types of chemotherapy that can only be given in the hospital, and that’s a big part of what we do. We also have a lot of people come in because of dangerously low blood counts, or complications thereof (i.e. infection) because that is a major side effect of chemotherapy. I give a lot of transfusions. Almost everyone hates Mondays, and I’m no different. I really hate Mondays at work. Since a lot of our patients are…
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On My New Schedule, Student Nurses, and My Work Wish List

September 15, 2009

This week starts a new phase in my work life, one where I have three whole days off a week. Hence the reason why I am lounging around in my bed at this moment even though I had the weekend off. (I am also lounging around in my bed because I’m still not feeling great. The congestion just WON’T GO AWAY.) Yesterday I worked my first 12-hour shift. Well, not my first 12-hour shift EVER. I did them when I was in school, and I’ve done them for overtime. This was just my first 12-hour shift in my new schedule. I think I am going to love it. First of all, once I’m already there it’s so much easier just…
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