Posts Tagged ‘Oliver

Dog Days Of…Winter?

February 19, 2010

So the whole three dogs scenario is turning out to be pretty tough. Let me preface by saying that I am crazy about dogs, but I in no way know how to train them. Not only do I not know how, but I am not interested in learning. I don’t have the time, energy, or patience. I don’t think this makes me a terrible person; I think it makes me normal. We were blessed that Cleo and Eddie are so well-behaved. Pretty much the only bad thing they do is chew the window sills, and Eddie has these random panic attacks that disturb our sleep from time to time, but overall they are very laid-back and sweet. We had a…
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February 12, 2010

*** Dear Houston Weather, You are making my life miserable. With Hate, Me *** Dear Oliver, Kindly calm down and let me finish typing this post. Also, I don’t appreciate you chewing the nose off my teddy bear. Love, The Girl Who Feeds You *** Dear Everyone, Sorry this is such a lame post. I worked all day and now I can barely keep my eyes open. Still love me? Sincerely Yours, Kathleen

new things

February 10, 2010

There have been a lot of exciting things happening around here. Finally I get to share them with you! First of all, if you’ll take a minute to click through, you’ll notice my new design. There are still a few odds and ends to clean up here and there, but it’s basically done. I absolutely love it, and I hope you do too. Thanks to my brother for doing all the leg work, and so much faster than I expected! Now on to the other stuff… My husband is going to a conference in New York City in April, and for my birthday my in-laws got me a plane ticket to accompany him. My parents got me the guidebook plus…
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