Posts Tagged ‘pets


October 24, 2007

Seriously, everyone should get a dog like Cleo. She usually sleeps on my bed at my feet, which I love. But last night in the middle of the night she came up to my head and worked her way under the covers with me and cuddled right up next to me. It was the sweetest thing in the world, and I only wish I had been more awake to appreciate it. In other news, I am trying to figure out how to make extra money. I decided not to get one of the $10,000 loans that I got last year since school ends in May. I think I can make it, but I will be cutting it close. Besides my…
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A Decent End To A Rough Week

September 29, 2007

This has been a week of school stress (always that), being sick, my boyfriend being sick, not being able to see my boyfriend because of school stress and us being sick, not being able to run due to being sick, still having to deal with school stress and work despite being sick, all of which culminated in me having a breakdown in my parents’ kitchen last night over something I took way too personally, something small that really didn’t have to do with me but just came at the wrong time. So I left early, and I didn’t even have ice cream. But today I am pet-sitting for my boys, and I have a 103-pound yellow shadow named Riley who…
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This Is Life As A Girl

September 17, 2007

I had a fairly busy and stressful week last week, and one of the main reasons was because I had my first test of the semester this morning in pediatric nursing, which is supposed to be one of the hardest classes we take. I spent a lot of time preparing for the test last week, along with various other commitments that I have going on in my life including, but not limited to: my boyfriend, work, book club, church, running, and Bible study. So last night, after another long day of meetings and studying, I settled into bed with Cleo lying beside me at my feet. Two nights ago my roommate told me that she left Cleo out of her…
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We’re Getting The Hang Of This Dog Thing

September 13, 2007

This is such a busy week for me, and I should be studying right now but I somehow have a hard time really focusing on my schoolwork unless I have other little things taken care of. And I just wanted to check in. At this moment Cleo is sitting on the floor at my feet IN MY ROOM. This is a huge deal. It is the first time since I’ve had her that she has come into my room on her own and hung out in here. She is kind of weird in that she is afraid of new rooms. For the longest time she wouldn’t go down any halls, into any rooms, or the kitchen. If I tried to…
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The First Two Days Of Dog Ownership

September 5, 2007

I do believe that I might have come across one of the sweetest dogs of all time. There are so many good things about Cleo. She hardly makes any noise; I’ve only heard her bark once. She loves everybody and gives cute little kisses that aren’t overwhelming. She’s extremely calm, which is perfect for apartment living. She knows how to sit and shake, and she’s pretty good at “come.” This morning, as I was rushing out the door she squirted past my legs and ran to the stairs (we live on the third floor). But when I said, “Cleo, no!” she stopped, and when I said, “Cleo, come!” she came back inside! I think that’s pretty amazing for our second…
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