Posts Tagged ‘pets

Meet Cleo

September 2, 2007

  Beagle/ Hound mix, female, 2 years, brown/white. The lady that found me has two dogs and can’t keep me. I get along with older kids, adults, other dogs and am very quiet and sweet. I already know some commands and would love to learn more with you! Come and take me to my forever home! My roommate Amanda and I adopted her today! I have been wanting a dog for an extremely long time, so this is a momentous occasion. We didn’t actually get to bring her home today, because she still has to be spayed. But we pick her up tomorrow, and then I can get much better pictures. I love her already!

I’m Back And On The Attack

July 28, 2007

Well, I think that I may have been the last of my group of friends to finish reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but finish it I did. SO good. Perfect, actually. As soon as I closed the back cover I had the immediate urge to re-read the entire series, but alas, that must wait because I have many books lined up. Speaking of, I am house-sitting for my roommate Courtney’s parents this weekend while they are on a family trip. Their dog Harry is a lot different than Teak and Riley! A lot easier to take care of in many ways. He accompanied me to my soccer game this morning. I think he liked it. I am seriously…
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Cat Love

June 14, 2007

My boyfriend’s parents have a cat named Teddy who is, in my opinion, absolutely the best cat in the world. My aunt and uncle’s cats are a close second, but Teddy is my kind of cat because a) she’s fat and fluffy, b) she lets you pet her tummy, and c) she’s not afraid of people and loves to sit in your lap for hours. She’s very un-catlike in that way. Every time I would come to their house I’d dote over the cat. So Alice, David’s mom, told me that if something ever happened to her that Teddy would go to me because I evidently cared more about her than the rest of the family. So Teddy is my…
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