Posts Tagged ‘pets

new things

February 10, 2010

There have been a lot of exciting things happening around here. Finally I get to share them with you! First of all, if you’ll take a minute to click through, you’ll notice my new design. There are still a few odds and ends to clean up here and there, but it’s basically done. I absolutely love it, and I hope you do too. Thanks to my brother for doing all the leg work, and so much faster than I expected! Now on to the other stuff… My husband is going to a conference in New York City in April, and for my birthday my in-laws got me a plane ticket to accompany him. My parents got me the guidebook plus…
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A Bunch Of Only Slightly Related Things

October 29, 2009

My morning has already been quite busy, and before I get on with the rest of the day (which will mostly involve cleaning) I simply must share with you these trivial thoughts. First of all, go on over and visit Lauren From Texas for her 6-month blogiversary! She’s having an adorable giveaway. Go ahead, go. I’ll wait. Now onto the randomness. Our dog Eddie hurt her leg last night trying to jump up onto our insanely high bed. She’s not putting any weight on it at all. We’ve been giving her children’s aspirin and trying to get her to rest. This has happened before, and after a couple weeks the leg got back to almost-normal. Here’s hoping it will heal…
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Rainy Day

October 26, 2009

Today has looked like this: Hard to capture in a photo how grey and rainy it is, but it is. So I took off my running shoes and spent the morning reading blogs. Then I made some Christmas cards: And when I finished with that I unabashedly read for a few hours, switching off chapters between these two books: And spent some time cuddling with these girls: And that’s about all the day was good for, which is okay by me. Tonight David and I are going over to Scott & Vanessa’s house (David’s brother and his wife) for the first of our dinner exchanges. We decided to formalize these since we had pretty much been doing it anyway. On…
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On Being A Wife

August 22, 2009

My husband and I have been married almost a year. Although I’m not planning on trading in my scrubs and stethoscope anytime soon, I have this crazy idea that I can be both a full-time, successful nurse and a fantastic, domestic wife. In my mind that means everything from keeping the house clean, doing chores, cooking frequent meals, budgeting and saving money, decorating the house, entertaining, and gardening to birthing babies and keeping my husband happy. In some of those areas I am quite deficient, which bothers me if I’m honest with myself. So yesterday, my day off, I resolved to be the perfect housewife. First there were the four piles of dog vomit that needed to be cleaned. Step…
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Power Outage

August 21, 2009

We had a storm roll through tonight, and our power has been going on and off all evening, with the majority of it off. Our nervous dog Eddie has been beside herself. This is how I spent most of my time tonight: It wasn’t enough for her to be near me, she had to be ON TOP of me. The pictures, taken with my computer which was on my lap, are blurry because she was shaking. I think things have finally calmed down, and I’ll be back with you tomorrow with my thoughts on being a wife after seeing Julie & Julia. But right now I must get myself to sleep, since I have to work in the morning. Happy…
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