Posts Tagged ‘quick takes

quick takes

September 6, 2013

Linking up! These quick takes are super fun to come up with and write, by the way. I recommend them. one Last weekend was a long weekend, which was awesome, and I was super productive at home, with hobbies, and had a bunch of good family time too. So it really is worth it, but man oh man are we paying for it this week at work. Every day is just jam-packed with patients, and as soon as I clock in there are already 2-3 waiting for me. I’m tired is what I’m saying. two We were scheduled to have our anatomy scan yesterday and I was really looking forward to it, but they had to reschedule me to the…
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quick takes

August 30, 2013

Still loving the quick takes around here. Soon I’ll get myself together and make a plan for the blog, but it hasn’t happened yet. one Remember the Book of Lists series I was doing and then unceremoniously dropped? I’m resurrecting it now that I feel like a human again. Since this is a long weekend I should be able to get it together for early next week. I think a few people are still kinda sorta playing along but from now on it won’t be so structured. I’ll still aim for the first Monday of the month and I’ll do my best to announce the topic ahead of time, but be ye warned that it may not always happen such….
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quick takes

August 23, 2013

Linking up for randomness again today. One In my last post I was humblebragging about what a nice evening we had as a family and then the last two nights have paid me back. The toddler fussiness has increased throughout the week, and last night I just had to abandon my feeble attempts at cooking dinner to feed her snacks and go on a walk just to get her out of the house and be quiet. She had cheese puffs and a popsicle for dinner, so what? I was so tired afterwards that I didn’t eat anything myself and just went to bed. Two Had this convo with my mom today: I really appreciate how seriously she takes my needs….
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quick takes / 16 weeks

August 16, 2013

I’m trying out the seven quick takes linkup today since it’s an excuse to just post random stuff, which is what I’m doing lately anyway. Not sure if I’ll always have seven though, so let’s just skip that part. One I’m 16 weeks along in this pregnancy and I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday. Especially in these early months before I can really feel the baby move I always get a little nervous before checkups. Yesterday about gave me a panic attack too. The experienced MA (Jen) who I LOVE is leaving the practice and so she was training a temp, and so it was just me and the temp in the room. First she starts analyzing my urine results…
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