Posts Tagged ‘Soccer

recovering from the weekend

June 7, 2010

So I played a soccer game this past weekend for the first time in a year. I’ve basically only been running regularly the past few weeks. Our team was two players short, so I had to play the whole game. It was definitely well into the 90’s. You can imagine how that felt. (For the record, we still won.) I went nonstop for the rest of the weekend, giving in to an urge to clean my house from top to bottom. And because I have the best parents and parents-in-law in the world, they came over and painted and cleaned and did chores without me even asking. Quick! I need a party to host! Although I expected to sleep exceptionally…
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#47. Go To Another Dynamo Game

November 8, 2009

The Dynamo are Houston’s major league soccer team. I know most of you are probably like, “Who cares?” and that’s fine. If you were writing about, say, water polo, I would have the same reaction. But I love soccer. I have played it since I was seven years old, and I pretty much lived and breathed it from the time I was in junior high through college. I’ve been playing on adult teams since then, but because of my schedule I can now only play during the summers. So I consider it my duty to support our pro team. I was so excited when my parents told me they had an extra ticket to today’s game! It’s the first round…
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I Want My Normal Life Back

June 29, 2008

Hey everyone, I’m returning to the internet world. I’ve been almost completely cut off, only able to briefly check my e-mail at work. I have to say, this past week has been pretty depressing. Not because of the lack of internet, but because my life is in upheaval. My roommate Amanda moved out last week, taking all of her furniture and dishes with her. Courtney and I lived the whole week in a bare apartment, with no TV, no internet, barely any food, no plates or bowls, etc. It was a lonely place. I did a lot of reading. Also, I am still getting used to my work schedule. I love my job, but there are times when I despair…
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Thirteen Things

January 30, 2008

1. My day in the ICU yesterday was kind of boring. Both of my patients had brain aneurysms. They were awake, alert, mobile, and for the most part independent. That means there wasn’t a whole lot for us to do for them. 2. One of the patients was a woman from Baton Rouge, a really sweet lady, and I loved her Cajun accent. She hugged me when I said goodbye to her. 3. The other was a nice man who would have talked to me all day long if I’d let him. Once he found out that I majored in Christian ministry for my first degree, he told me his whole life story. It was very interesting, but for the…
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