Posts Tagged ‘Technology

on my own with a disabled computer

May 26, 2009

Well, it appears I jumped the gun on the whole “my computer works!” thing. My computer DOES work, but it is impaired. I think it may have had a stroke, and is now experiencing some residual disability. Half of its brain works, the other half is paralyzed. The good news is it’s the internet side that works. I am typing right now from my computer, and I seem to be able to navigate the wonderful worldwide web without difficulty. But the second I try to open iPhoto my poor little compie just freezes. So I’m taking him to the hospital (aka the Apple store) on Thursday to see the doctor (aka genius). You may laugh, but last time they actually…
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my computer works!

May 24, 2009

It’s Sunday night, and while most of the country is basking in this long weekend, I am preparing for another day of work tomorrow. In case you’re wondering, it isn’t too fun to have a job where you are forced to work holidays and weekends. So it’s almost my bedtime, but I just wanted to write something, because we got so much accomplished this weekend. First of all, I am so excited that my computer is working again, thanks to my brother-in-law Scott. What happened was what they call a “logical failure” of the hard drive. Nothing physically wrong, but the computer no longer recognized it. So I paid $99 for this program from Prosoft Engineering, ran it overnight, and…
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May 19, 2009

Alright. So. Sorry about being gone for a week and then coming back with a really depressing post. But some things I just have to write about. If you’re wondering, my patient died yesterday and it was sad. I was glad that I was able to be there for the family, but it was a very surreal experience for me. I’ll just leave it at that. On to happier things! The painters finally finished with our house last week so we are back home. It’s amazing what a difference my own bed makes. When I walked in the first thing I noticed was that it wasn’t painted exactly how I had asked it to be. But once I put furniture…
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It Doesn’t Work If You Don’t Use It

May 11, 2009

Today, the painters sanded everything. And that’s it. So what should have taken at the most 3 days and been finished by Friday is now going on the 6th day. Oh well. My in-laws’ house is very homey. My parents’ house is homey too, but their guest room has two single beds, and David and I have grown accustomed to sleeping near each other at night. :) Also, last night my computer decided to stop working. And now I am inwardly freaking out because I bought an external hard drive, but I have yet to use it.  (Sorry Scott, don’t be disappointed in me!) And just as soon as I finish typing this I am going to troubleshoot my computer…
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