Posts Tagged ‘whole30

whole30 week one

June 23, 2014

Instead of doing a huge recap at the end of this adventure, I thought I would update you weekly on how it’s going. That way I can let you know exactly what I ate each day and how I felt, in case anyone comes across this that is just starting out, or if any of you decide to take it on later! I know this is kind of annoying if you’re not interested so feel free to skip this post. :) Day 0 I want to give you a little more info on the prep I did beforehand. I did a big grocery trip, mostly shopped organic at Kroger for this but I swung by Whole Foods for a few…
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preparing for whole30

June 13, 2014

Well, I’m doing it. I’ve been talking about it for weeks and finally I’m starting the Whole30 on Monday. This weekend is my last fling with pancakes, Starbucks’ iced mochas, chips & queso, and chocolate. I don’t mean forever – I fully intend to enjoy those delicious treats in an intentional way in the future – but I’m ready to break my body’s addiction to them. I admit that I am pretty nervous. Here are my concerns, roughly in order of biggest to smallest: Cooking new foods and with new techniques that I’m not used to, and the time in the kitchen it will require.  Not planning well and going hungry as a result. The initial cost of pantry staples,…
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