Overheard Waiting For The Bus

August 2, 2007

Guy #1: What time does this bus come?
Guy #2: A quarter till three, man.
Guy #1: Does that mean 25 minutes till three or fifteen?
Guy #2: Fifteen, dude.

A few moments later…

Guy #1: Do you think reading minds is wrong?
Guy #2: No.
Guy #1: So you think it’s OK to read someone’s mind?
Guy #2: I don’t have a problem with that. But right now I’m just waiting for my bus, OK?

Guy #2 was pretty annoyed with Guy #1…I don’t blame him.

Posted in: personal, conversations, personal

Comments on Overheard Waiting For The Bus

  1. 1

    From Spring:

    Jesus Christ, he can read minds? Can he teach me?

  2. 2

    From Katy:

    Harhar, a “quarter” to 3. Bahahaha.

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