Posts About conversations

meredith lately

August 5, 2014

While driving we pass by a house under construction… David: Look Meredith, a house is being built. Meredith: When I get bigger I buy dat house. David: Yeah because you’ll want to live near mommy and daddy right? And you’ll have a lot of money so you can buy it. Meredith: I want all YOUR money. David: Don’t worry, you’ll have it. Reading books before bed… Meredith: I came out of your tummy and then it was baby brudder’s turn. Me: that’s right and I’m so glad you came out and are growing into my big girl. Meredith: I want to do it again! Me: what? Meredith: go in your tummy! After accidentally knocking Liam on the head with a book and he is crying……
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meredith lately

June 2, 2014

Me: I’m going to make a bagel. Meredith: and put butter and jelly on it? Me: yeah Meredith: don’t say yeah, say yes ma’am. After jumping on her mini trampoline and falling down on purpose… Grammy: Kaboomie! Meredith: I wanna go kaboobie again! While driving and David and I are attempting an adult conversation in the front seat… Meredith: mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy MOMMY MOMMY! Me: yes Meredith? Meredith: Daddy driving. Me: yes he is. We return to talking… Meredith: mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy MOMMY MOMMY! Me: yes?? Meredith: um…bird poop on yours car! David: say sand. Meredith: sand. David: say wich. Meredith: wich. David: say sandwich. Meredith: finjer! Commenting on what she and David brought home from the store… Meredith: I got toilet paper for yours butt! While David took her browsing…
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meredith lately

April 16, 2014

Me: What’s your full name? Meredith: Merma Susannah Forbes! Me: Good! Do you want to know mommy’s full name? Meredith: Mommy Susannah Forbes! Me: Oh yeah? What about daddy’s? Meredith: Daddy Susannah Forbes! After her second Gogurt of the night… Meredith: I want anudder one! David: okay, but will you share it with daddy? Meredith: yeah David gives her the yogurt and she eats most of it… David: can I have some now? Meredith: no! David: hey, you said you would share with me. Meredith: well I not nice. Going through the drive-through for fast food at a time of desperation… Me: I’ll have a kids’ meal with a cheeseburger – Meredith: I wanna cheeseburger! Me: – and an apple…
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meredith lately

January 15, 2014

If you guessed that she picked out every piece of this outfit herself, you would be right. I’m also proud of the genuine smile in the last photo because these days she is very into saying “cheese” for pictures which results in a facial expression like the one up top. While we were in the bath and she was washing my tummy… Me: Do you think baby brother is getting too big to live in my tummy? Meredith: Baby brudder share my room? Me: That’s right, he will. Meredith: Baby brudder wear biders (diapers)? Me: Yes he will. Meredith: Baby brudder nurse mommy? Me: You’re right, he will. Meredith: Um…maybe baby brudder nurse daddy. After I had caught her with marker all over her arms, shirt, and the…
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meredith lately

November 25, 2013

So Meredith is entering the adorable stage where you can really have almost normal conversations and interactions with her. Yeah she has her frustrating moments of tantrums and throwing things and disobeying but all around she’s pretty great. I don’t want to forget the funny or cute things she says, and thus a new series is born. After I put a new adorable outfit on her… Me: Go show daddy how cute you look. Meredith: (strutting toward him) wookit my cute! Talking about our plans for the day… Me: So Mimi is going to pick you up from school and take you to see Pappy later! Meredith: But no Gigi, Gigi home hedden wit Gah (heaven with God). At my…
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