Posts About conversations

Tennis Love

April 13, 2007

I’ve been house/dog-sitting again since last Friday, so I haven’t seen Carmen, my roommate, since before then. We finally made plans to hang out last night, but I wasn’t sure what we were going to do until I texted her around 4:30 p.m. to ask. She responded, “I have two free tickets to the tennis match, want to go?” The tennis match she spoke of was part of the men’s clay court championship, which is held at a club which is conveniently located right behind our apartments. We didn’t know who was playing, but it sounded like fun. We strolled on over, slightly late, enjoying the weather. If we had driven there, we would have had to pay ten bucks…
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Lofty Aspirations

March 24, 2007

My family is very sports-oriented. One of the manifestations of this is that each year we are involved in fantasy teams and pools and such. For as long as I can remember my dad and my uncle have picked the NFL games, and when my brothers were old enough they joined in. Being the only girl, I wanted to be involved too. So when fantasy leagues started becoming popular, our family decided to create a private fantasy baseball league for ourselves and I jumped in. The way it worked was that whoever won the NCAA tournament that year got first draft pick in fantasy baseball. Well, we did that for a couple of years and then I WON. After that,…
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Wanted: Tact

March 16, 2007

I was studying at school with a couple of classmates, and since we study diseases it was not strange that the topic of death arose. A snippet of the conversation: Allie: I don’t know what I’d do if my mom died, I seriously don’t know. Ryan: Well, you’d cope and you’d move on, that’s just what happens. Allie: Let’s hope so. Me (to Ryan): Well, she could kill herself. (A minute or so later I find out that Ryan’s mom died 2 years ago. Great.) Or, take these conversations with David for example: (FYI – this particular David is my boyfriend, NOT my brother, or my uncle, or the kid at church, or my good friend’s brother – all who…
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Not Your Typical Academy Awards Post

February 26, 2007

My fellow Americans, I would like to take this opportunity to announce some of my thoughts on the Academy Awards. These thoughts are not necessarily related specifically to the awards except for the fact that they are thoughts that I had while watching said awards. Please indulge me. 1. Although I was vehemently opposed to Dreamgirls or any of its participating members winning anything simply because I thought that the movie was painfully overrated (and by that I mean that the movie was PAINFUL and OVERRATED), I must say that Jennifer Hudson was pretty adorable last night, and now I can’t help but like her. 2. I noticed something quite disconcerting. Exhibit A: Greg Kinnear, actor in Little Miss Sunshine:…
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