Snapshots of the Weekend

April 26, 2009

Me: So tell me about the NFL draft, I need to know this now!

David: (Blah blah Texans blah blah Cushing blah blah defensive end etc. etc. etc.)

Me: Hmm. You’re lucky that I already have a working knowledge of football.

David: Okay, what’s a cornerback?

Me: They are the people that mark the receivers.

David: Um, first of all, there is no “marking” in football.

Me: But isn’t that what they do? They cover the receivers?

David: Yes, but it’s not called “marking.” I played and watched sports for 27 years and I never heard the word “mark” until I went to one of your indoor soccer games.

Me: Huh.


Barry (little bro): So there was chocolate fondue involved in one of your nursing classes?

Me: Yeah, I was at this pain management workshop and the presenter brought out all these different fruits, marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate. She compared it all to pain medication and then told us to self-medicate. She also said that it was PRN.

Barry: Stares blankly. Is that a nursing joke?

Me: Yeah.

Barry: Ahh, that’s good. I appreciate that.

Posted in: personal, conversations, personal

Comments on Snapshots of the Weekend

  1. 1

    From Rae:

    Does the first convo count as part of your 101 in 1001?

    Between your pipe cleaners and the pain management instructor it sounds like your workshops aren’t really that bad at all.

  2. 2

    From Christine:

    I wish I could self medicate with chocolate fondue! Lucky you!

  3. 3

    From kapachino:

    Rae: The first convo is part of my attempt to become a true fan of the Texans! I made this goal so I could bond with my husband over something he enjoys. Plus, I do like to support all things Houston. :)

    Christine: Chocolate fondue is one of the best things ever. On my first date with my husband, we had it – and when I dipped a brownie into the dark chocolate, I held up my hand for him to stop talking so that I could fully appreciate the moment!

  4. 4

    From Mom:

    You have given the first definition of “cornerback” that I have ever understood!

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