friday things: pictures from the week

April 2, 2010

This week I bought a rug. I stressed over it. I deliberated. I took the plunge, and got way excited.

I still like the rug, but I think it looks awkward in my living room. I am going to try it in the dining room when we finish painting, and if I don’t love it there then I’m returning it. I’m now looking for a light blue, 8-foot, round rug to go in this spot.


This week I figured out how to get my hair out of my face for awhile!

It took a headband and several bobby pins, but it sure was a nice break.


This week I celebrated Passover with the youth group at church.

I thought the horseradish smelled tasty, so I took a big bite. WHOA. There is a reason you are supposed to eat it during Seder, and it is to make you cry. But at least my sinuses were clear.


This week I went to the semi-annual antique festival with my parents.

Although I only ended up buying one thing, I had a fabulous time. My parents bought yard art in their typical fashion, tried to convince me to buy yard art (I resisted), fed me yummy food and ice cream, and were all-around fun and entertaining companions.


Tonight my husband is taking me on a rare trip to the movies, this weekend I’m working (on Easter – sad), furiously preparing for vacation, and Monday we’re leaving to New York City!

Posted in: personal, around here, home, personal

Comments on friday things: pictures from the week

  1. 1

    From Stephany:

    I love the rug and think it looks good in your living room! But I’m only seeing a small part of your room so maybe I’m wrong.

    The one thing I hate about having short hair is not having the ability to pull it back. I hate having hair in my face, which is why I’m now growing out my bangs.

    Also, you have ridiculously long lashes! LOVE!

  2. 2

    From Tabaitha:

    I’m so excited for you that you get to go to NYC next week. I like the picture of you and your mom. Cute outfit.

  3. 3

    From nicole:

    Kat, I love the rug! Keep it!

  4. 4

    From Uncle David:

    Thanks for watching out for my brother. He told me about a light fixture but did not mention yard art. I am looking for a wind sock myself. Tell your hubby he got aced in the last round and the trophy stays in SC where it belongs. Did you notice the girls all finished at the bottom?

  5. 5

    From Emily Jane:

    Your rug is so gorgeous!! And I’m excited you get to go to NY too. Take lots of pics! And what movie did you see?

  6. 6

    From kapachino:

    We saw Clash of the Titans and really enjoyed it!

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    From Her:

    Enjoy being in my time zone!

    I can’t wait for my hair to have an extra inch so I can pull it back like that, especially for pilates. There’s nothing like sweaty hair all over your face!

  8. 8

    From Lauren From Texas:

    You are too cute! Have fun in NYC.

  9. 9

    From David, The Rainmaker:

    Swing by DC and say hello while you’re there!

    Also, I hate NYC. I hope visiting it is much better than living there!

  10. 10

    From kapachino:

    I think you are biased against NYC because of the situation you were in. I wouldn’t want to live there either, but so far visiting is great!

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    From steph anne:

    I like the rug!!! You should keep it. :) Where did you get your coffee table? I like it!

  12. 12

    From kapachino:

    Coffee table is from IKEA! I’m really picky about what I’ll buy from there, but this table is really sturdy (I standbon top of it all the time to turn the fan on & off) and we’ve received a lot of compliments on it. I recommend it!

  13. 13

    From mediumcrazy:

    I’m dying right now b/c it’s so funny that you picked that rug…I have been obsessing about what to get for a rug in our living room and spending way too much time looking at rugs. And that is the EXACT RUG I was considering…from target right? I think it’s beautiful, of course since I was thinking of getting the same one! We have probably too much blue in our house but I love blues, especially light blues…the blue in our bedroom is so calming — Cumberland Fog from Behr if you’re interested :)

  14. 14

    From kapachino:

    That’s so great! I really love the rug too, the only problem is our living room is an awkward size and I think a round rug will go better in that space. As soon as we finish painting our dining room I’m going to try out the Target rug there, and I’m hoping it works because I want to keep it!

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