dog park, farmer’s market, paint, and mothers

May 11, 2010

It’s Tuesday and I’m still reliving my weekend. So what?

I got a nice surprise on Friday when I was supposed to work until 7 p.m. and they let me off at 3. I was able to beat the traffic and convinced David to go on a mini-date. We went to Potbelly Subs & Sandwiches for dinner and then went back home to pick up the dogs. This part took a lot more convincing, because handling all three dogs at once is no easy task. But I recently bought these adorable tags for them, and now we could legitimately take Oliver to the dog park.

It was Oliver’s first time there, so we were nervous. He’s still not neutered (I know, I know) so he has a tendency to act fairly alpha. He comes up to my waist and weighs around 100 pounds, but there was a dog much bigger than him there and Oliver had that dog’s tail between its legs just by sniffing. Overall he was very good, but he made other dogs nervous and we felt like we had to hover around him the entire time. I don’t think we’ll be going back until we get him fixed.

On Saturday I was up bright & early to visit the local farmer’s market that I’ve been meaning to go to for ages. My sister-in-law and friend were supposed to come too, but neither of them could make it due to their respective babies so I was on my own. I found it easily and my first impression was that it’s small, but very cute.

I walked around without buying anything once to see what was there, and I was happy to see that there was a big variety of food and other local, organic products. I had my eye on some tomatoes and peaches, but then I realized I had forgotten to bring a bag to carry them in. I ended up only buying some honey because I was too self-conscious. (Side note: has anyone ever tried honey in their coffee instead of sugar?)

I must have really been in a food-buying mood though, because I ended up stopping at a larger organic store which was farther away. I was in the area since I had to get some blood drawn at a specific lab. The book I’m reading is completely changing my perspective on the foods I buy. David doesn’t know what he’s in for. :)

For the rest of the day I had originally intended to drag David with me to the Art Car Parade, but when he told me he’d help me paint instead I couldn’t pass that up. My parents and father-in-law came too, and we were able to get the second coat on the front two rooms, paint the ceiling, and start on the trim. The trim and touch-ups are all we have left there, but it’s such a tedious chore. I can’t wait to finish and actually start decorating!

Sunday morning found us at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, Los Cucos, for breakfast with my family. I’d never had breakfast at a Mexican place, but I have to say the eggs were the best I’ve ever tasted. I was really excited to give my mom her gift, because it was so unique. You may not know this, but my mom was a hippie in her day, and I think the gene is genetic. For Mother’s Day I signed us (along with my mother-in-law) up for a class teaching us how to make soft cheese and other dairy products at home. I can’t wait!

Church was a fluster of activity because my brother and I were leading the music and we were not quite prepared. It ended up going smoothly, but only because we grew up doing music together and know exactly what the other will do. On the way home from church David and I stopped by a local bookstore for an amazing sale. Here are all the books we got, all for $5.95!

Can you guess which three are mine? ;)

By the time we got home I had developed quite a toothache that extended into my sinuses and down my neck. I took a Vicodin, read a few pages, and fell into a nap that lasted until my mother-in-law called me to ask me a question. It’s a good thing she did, because we were supposed to meet David’s family for dinner and I would have slept right through it. Dinner was delicious and the company was lovely, and to top the weekend off I took my mother-in-law to the play Harvey at the Alley Theatre, which we both loved.

Only eleven more days until my next weekend off!

Posted in: personal, around here, home, personal

Comments on dog park, farmer’s market, paint, and mothers

  1. 1

    From Amy --- Just A Titch:

    This sounds like such a lovely weekend, Kathleen!

  2. 2

    From Stephany:

    That dog tag is adorable! Can I ask where you got it? My dog desperately needs a tag!!

  3. 3

    From kapachino:

    I’m glad you asked! It’s from a great online store called Fetching Tags. They’re about $30 each but are really sturdy and will last a long time!

  4. 4

    From dadman:

    That paint job looks like a professional did it

  5. 5

    From kapachino:

    After all the work I have lined up for you at home you’ll be able to pretty much call yourself a professional!

  6. 6

    From Jessica:

    Sounds like a great weekend and what a great deal on those books!!

  7. 7

    From Bill:

    I’d like to see before and after pictures of the dining room.

  8. 8

    From kapachino:

    I’ll show the before and after pictures when it’s finished. :)

  9. 9

    From Kyla Roma:

    Our farmers markets aren’t starting until June, but when they do I’m so excited to start going. Big or small, they’re so much fun!

  10. 10

    From Becca:

    Hey Kathleen, a few things:
    1. Have you seen the cookbook “Simply In Season.” Different authors, but same idea as “More with Less.” All recipes are organized by the season, so it makes that kind of cooking much easier. I have used every asparagus recipe multiple times this year as we have a big patch in our new garden!
    2. The house looks good. Micah wants to take David up on a fishing trip sometime so maybe we can come down with our little brood and stay.
    3. Something else you might try is agave nectar. It tastes great, and is better on the body than honey or sugar. It is a good sweetener that doesn’t mess with blood sugar levels.
    4. Miss you and would like to talk to you. My schedule is the same everyday. Kids are sleeping by 8pm at the very latest. Give me a call when you have a free evening.

  11. 11

    From steph anne:

    You have just inspired me to go to the farmer’s market! Putting that down on my to-do list.

    I love the windows in your dining room! Gorgeous!

  12. 12

    From Elizabeth:

    Your dining room is so pretty! I love weekends like that!

  13. 13

    From Nora:

    Love the books that you purchased; Girls Guide to Hunting & Fishing is one of my favorite books ever. Can’t beat used books & book sales, plus supporting local shops is the best!

    Also, love the dining room color & trim. Looks great.

  14. 14

    From E.P.:

    Your description of the dog park was how I felt the first time I took Lucy to the one in my old town. (And probably how I will feel when I take her to the dog park here… finally.) I’m glad it went OK!

    And what a cute little farmers market! I need to check out the one here!

  15. 15

    From Uncle David:

    Shipping News was a change of pace for me but very good. Also love Ann Rule’s true crime stuff. Since I volunteer at the library setting up book sales I get first crack at all manner of good stuff. I’d actually pay them to let me work there! Glad to see you got the Stagg reading gene. What happened to your brothers?

  16. 16

    From kapachino:

    The Ann Rule book is David’s, but I’ve read one of her books and loved it. The Shipping News is mine, part of my quest to read more Pulitzer Prize winners.

    I think the boys will come around to reading eventually…Barry is taking especially long but this year he actually started requesting books! I was amazed.

  17. 17

    From Uncle David:

    PS – I hope you have a phone number on the other side of the tag or it’s not going to be helpful should the dog get lost.

  18. 18

    From kapachino:

    We do have a phone number there, just didn’t want to broadcast to the entire Internet. :)

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