
November 18, 2010

With colder weather here and earlier sunsets I’ve gone into a kind of hibernation. I love my job, and it’s not that stressful, but with the commute I still have to leave the house at 6 a.m. and I don’t get back until 6 p.m. By that time it’s dark and I’m worn out and I’m in bed by 8. I’m still getting used to this whole work-five-days-a-week thing.

So you see that even though I have wanted to devote more time to writing here, I haven’t had much time for it. Instead I’ve opted to spend what little time I’m awake in the evenings with David, watching movies or doing puzzles.

But there’s an entire weekend coming up (what a concept!) and I’m going to try to put a little energy into planning posts so I can be more of a presence here. In the meantime you can find me curled up on the couch, shamelessly wearing my Snuggie.

Posted in: personal, around here, personal

Comments on Hibernating

  1. 1

    From Nicole:

    The colder, shorter days make me want to hibernate too!!

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