
June 20, 2011

>I’ve been struggling a lot with energy and various discomforts, especially at work. I’ll update more thoroughly when I do my 36-week pregnancy post, but suffice it to say that I am wondering how I’ll make it four more weeks of working as a nurse full time.

>I’ve had three baby showers (a major one for family & friends, one at work, and a small one at my craft club) and have two more scheduled (at my husband’s work and at church). We have so much baby stuff now! There are only a couple major things left that would be nice to have. The nursery is completely disorganized and I really want to whip it into shape, but I rarely have the energy to do more than walk in there, take a look around, and walk out again.

>I’m still recapping The Bachelorette, and I’ve been trying to catch up with old TV shows that I’m sadly behind on. Right now it’s Glee, and next I’m thinking I’ll go back to 30 Rock. We’ve been under-utilizing Netflix and I want to remedy that. At least I’m not discontinuing it until after maternity leave is over! Also, I’m watching So You Think You Can Dance for the first time. So far I like it!

>I got about a hundred pages behind on the Infinite Jest read-along that Ashley is hosting. I blame it on the wacky page numbering of the ebook version. So I’ve been attempting to get caught up. By the way, I really like the book.

>My life consists of surviving each work day, spending the evenings collapsed in a lump on the couch reading or watching TV (the only activities that aren’t hard on my hands or body; blogging is difficult because of the carpal tunnel), eating whatever we have on hand no matter how unhealthy, trying to be more comfortable, thinking about preparing for Meredith’s arrival, and various other social engagements including church, family, and friend stuff when I can manage it.

>I’m just really ready to have this baby.

Posted in: personal, around here, personal

Comments on Lately…

  1. 1

    From Marlena:

    We should work on getting you organized soon. You can tell me where / want you want to get accomplished and you can just sit there and look pretty, helping from the comfort of the rocking chair! Do you have any organizational ideas in your head or am I the only one that saves blog entries when they do something I want to do?

    I can wait on my hair. I really can. I’ve embraced it. Let’s just focus on getting everything ready for Miss Meredith. She will probably be coming sooner than you realize and I want you to feel ready. Well, as ready as you can feel for a first time Mom!

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    From Christine:

    Hang in there – it’s almost over! :) I hope the next few weeks go quickly and as painlessly as possible!

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    From Samantha:

    I’m just about to hit 38 weeks, and I praise you for still working! I’ve been struggling lately with the summer heat and the discomforts – I can’t imagine working full-time on top of that! I can barely make it through each day without a nap. :) Good luck with getting the nursery organized. I put it off for a long time, but I finally tackled it. Although, I still didn’t do much as far as decorating!

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    From Stephany:

    Oh goodness, I will be praying for you, Kathleen and that you can get through these next 4 weeks. Hang in there!

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    From Ashley:

    Sending you good vibes for getting through the next several weeks! You get a special Infinite Summer award for, you know, having a baby in the meantime.

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    From Nora:

    I give you so much credit. Anyone who is a working mother or mother-to-be in my eyes is just incredibly awesome. Will be thinking of you these next four weeks! <3

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