
June 11, 2012

That was the name of the game this weekend.

Last week was weird and hard. The first half was a blur because Meredith, the best nighttime sleeper ever, would NOT SLEEP. Kudos to anyone who has to deal with that on a regular basis, because I could barely function. On the fourth day, when I had to go to work after being awake since 1:30 a.m., I thought I was going to have to take a day off lest I kill a patient due to exhaustion. But for whatever reason, she has slept well since then and I am left wondering what caused the ordeal.

Work was busy and I ended up staying late every day except one. There was an incident with one of my patients one day where we ended up having to call security because he said something so disgustingly vulgar, complete with demonstration, that I didn’t feel comfortable being his nurse anymore. It really threw me off and distracted me for the entire day.

So when the weekend rolled around and I had no plans whatsoever I knew I wanted to do only the basic amount of chores (laundry, sweep, dishes, groceries) and spend the rest of the time relaxing.

On Saturday Meredith was still not 100% (she’s been having digestive issues and congestion – but the essential oils are really helping with everything) so I decided to keep her home. We played, I got to work on my cross stitch, she took a great afternoon nap, did some chores here and there, and had a nice visit to my in-laws.

Sunday morning David went fishing with his dad and brothers (an early Father’s Day excursion) so we were up early. Meredith and I had a good low-key morning by ourselves and then my mother-in-law agreed to babysit her for a few hours so I could have some alone time. It was amazing. I got Starbucks, ate calmly while reading a magazine, made pizza dough, then got completely caught up on Project Life. By the time I went to pick up Meredith the boys were on their way home, she took a good nap so I could finish chores, and then we had a nice fish fry with the family (David and I don’t like fish so we ate our homemade pizza).

Here’s to relaxing weekends and nice, normal weeks!

Posted in: personal, around here, personal

Comments on relax.

  1. 1

    From laura:

    Your weekend sounds lovely! Also, she is BEAUTIFUL! In the first picture she looks like a baby-doll and I love love love her pony tail in the second! :)

  2. 2

    From Mom:

    Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I love all the pictures. :)

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