long weekend adventures

September 4, 2012

I love a long weekend. Seems like that one extra day makes a world of difference. This Labor Day weekend was a good one.

After breakfast on Saturday Meredith and I hopped in the car and headed out to do some errands while we let David sleep in and do his own thing for awhile.

First stop was to pick up a new batch of diapers. I was really hoping once Meredith started walking her legs would thin out and she wouldn’t need to go up in size, but it hasn’t happened yet. The mediums are too tight and leaking too much, so we had to bite the bullet and go for the larges. They look comically big on her, but they are working much better.

We were in the area, so we just had to stop at Target and Old Navy. I found some good stuff in the clearance section.

When we got home we grabbed David and immediately left again. We decided to leave our bank and join a credit union so we needed to get there in plenty of time before it closed. Meredith amused herself with my wallet. She was unimpressed with my lack of cash.

That evening we didn’t have any plans so we just hung around the house. I made a lot of progress on my current cross stitch project that I’ve been working on for months.

Sunday morning was church.

Then we went to lunch at Chuy’s for Mexican food with my whole family. We were celebrating my brother’s birthday – the baby of the family is 27 years old and the biggest of all of us. Meredith kept throwing things across the room so we distracted her with beans and guacamole.

While at lunch we begged asked my parents to babysit that night so we could go on a date. We’re really trying to make this a priority and so far we’ve been able to fit it in every couple of weeks. Since I chose the last movie we went to, David chose this one. We saw The Possession and after I was freaked out by the previews I questioned what on earth I was doing there, but it ended up being tolerably scary.

Monday morning we had breakfast with David’s family and it was delicious. And it’s always so much fun watching the cousins play together.

For most of the day Monday David watched Meredith and took her shopping, giving me lots of alone time at home. I got a spread of Project Life done (to be shared tomorrow), made brownies, and did some housework. Then that night we went to his brother’s house for burgers and hot dogs before winding down at home and getting ready for the week.

The best part is, I have another long weekend coming up! I took a full day off next Monday for a dentist appointment and plan to spend the rest of it indulging myself in pampering, relaxation, and whatever else I feel like. :)

Posted in: personal, around here, personal

Comments on long weekend adventures

  1. 1

    From Nora:

    So when I’m in Houston next summer can we please go to Chuy’s? I went there when I visited last time (about four years ago?) and OMG probably the best TexMex/Mexican food ever.

    Now that I’ve professed my love for Chuy’s, glad you got some girl time in with M, a date night (you are brave for seeing that movie) and that you had a great weekend! Labor Day weekend is one of my favorites!

  2. 2

    From kapachino:

    Of course we can go there! Although it’s actually not my favorite Tex-Mex place; they have good sauce and queso but the food is so-so in my opinion & it’s always crowded. Other people are obsessed with it though, so maybe it’s just me!

    Really looking forward to your visit btw!

  3. 3

    From Elizabeth:

    Cute new diapers! I’m still waiting on Hannah’s legs to slim down at 20 months–it doesn’t seem to be happening yet, but the chunk seems to be muscle-fying (I guess?)!

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